
I feel terrible for Angela Lindvall. She is bland and ineffectual, of course, but I never realized how much Heidi really added to the delivery of what are actually stupid, childlike lines. They are they same lines that Heidi says but, sans Heidi, they are just blather. Worthless blather.

It would be great if there were less clowns and more talent in the mix. I would kill for somebody like Jillian Lewis who I think had the greatest final runway collection that never won. As it is, if anybody really gives Mondo or Rami a run for their money, I'll be shocked.

I just caught a few minutes of this after All-Stars (it's on the DVR, I'll catch it tomorrow) Am I right that this looks to be to Project Runway what Chopped is to Top Chef? Yeah? It looks like fashion Chopped.

Skrillex doesn't make me angry, he makes me paranoid. I am starting to think that youngsters, motivated out either spite or boredom, are pushing things that they don't even like into the public forum to confuse and dismay the rest of us.

Who doesn't?

Wizards is fun. Bakshi was pretty much ripping off everything good in the 70's but mostly stole everything that Vaughn Bode had but his dick. It was my favorite Bakshi film as a kid but I would place Heavy Traffic and Coonskin above it now.

Ah, when I was younger, I would have agreed with you. I felt that it was an ending filled with hope but, now I watch the film and think, "those fuckers are dead."

She is right that Racing With The Moon is a wonderful, little movie. I imagine that movie will soon be completely forgotten because it seems like such a movie of its time. Exactly the kind of movie for a bored 13 year old kid to stumble upon HBO and just fall in love with (do kids stumble upon movies on cable,

I don't know that anybody can really explain anything. I am sure you understand the movie but if you ain't feeling it, you ain't gonna feel it. For me (I love the film), Woods performance isn't hammy but energetic, DeNiro's character isn't inconsistent but complex and the story seems to not just go places but seem

I'm with Todd, I have been meaning to get into a Dungeons and Dragons for years but I'm too old for the new breed, I guess. Some old-timer once described D&D 4E as "Chainmail's Revenge" and, sure enough, it just seems like a dumbed-down miniatures game.

I also have to give Extra Hot Great some love. David, Tara and Joe are all great. Funny, insightful and very real.

I know I'm going to get shit for this (and maybe I deserve it) but 2011 was the year that I discovered Odd Future Wolf Gang and sink me if I don't enjoy the little turds. They have released some shit music, sure, but they have also released some wonderful stuff and the fact they do everything themselves from

I would argue that Steve Ells didn't scuttle America's Next Great Restaurant. In fact, he was the least of its problems. Bobby Flay was beyond charisma-free, he flat out offputting. Lorena Garcia was a charmless non-entity and fake chef Curtis Stone offered nothing. The show had a tiresome structure and it forced its

I adore Milk Eyed Mender. I think it was just sublime and I was excited about Joanna Newsom and then Ys just stopped me cold. I should give it another shot but it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted more Milk Eyed Mender. I wanted more of THAT Newsom.

I disagree. I'll pick Harryhausen's stop motion stuff, any day, over the tiresome, charmless and unimaginative CGI of the remake. In fact, I think the remake had all the dangers of modern CGI design and I'll gladly put the original Medusa sequence up against any in the remake though, if it isn't obvious, I'll admit to

Can't they just wait until Ray Harryhausen dies before shitting on him?

Not too much to say. I was young, dumb, poor and punk. Learning urban foraging skills like dumpster diving for food was seen as clever and noble to Northern Californian punks (I even heard of 'dumpster vegetarians' who would only eat meat if the pulled it out of a dumpster)

Claire, never apologize for hating on "Wonderful Christmas Time" You are on the side of angels.

I have to say, as somebody who used to eat out of dumpsters, you guys are a bunch of pussies. The food didn't look that bad. Heck, we've all seen worse go into Chang.

Wait a sec, you call out Maus for saying 'explicitly' that the Americans libertated Auschwitz and then, when challenged, you admit that you might not remember? The fuck? That is pretty fucking major statement to say and then run away from. Do you get off on this, somehow? Oh, and you won't take any fucking offense to