The Narrator Returns

I actually think Knight of Cups was pretty funny at times. And Tree of Life has a very Badlandsian joke about Jack finding a "dinosaur bone".

Yeah, I actually think Neon Demon is kind of a step back from OGF's obscurity (although I love both of those films and Drive; hell, Neon Demon might be my favorite of the three). At the very least it has semi-conventional jokes.

Tree of Life has been my favorite movie since the first time I saw it and very few films I've watched since have gotten even remotely close to the effect it had and still has on me (and one of those few, 20th Century Women, was one that reminded me a lot of ToL). I know Criterion is prepping an extended version for

It's funny to think about Drive's divisiveness in light of Refn following it with something seemingly designed as a fuck-you to the mainstream moviegoers who might have gotten on Drive's wavelength.

I'm going to plug myself into the Matrix where the Wachowskis are able to trade their approval of this for Cobalt Neural 9 getting financed and produced.

Also, mad props to Keanu for saying he'd only appear in these if they were made by the Wachowskis.

Season 3 of Sense8 should involve all the characters just beating the shit out of nameless studio executives.

If this gets made and the Wachowskis still can't get another big-budget movie made, I think it's about time we let the machines purge us for real.

Lilly didn't bail so much as take a break on account of Daily Mail being monstrous shitheads.

If this gets made and the Wachowskis can't get another big-budget movie made, it's time to let the machines purge us.

It should honestly bug you more than it is. Fuck this noise.

It's the plot to a lot of crime movies.

I'm glad he's acting again, I probably like him more as a character actor than I do as a musician.

Yes please, I would very much like this right now.

Entertainment Weekly compared it to a Trump press conference, so yeah.

That is true. And if nothing else, you just gave me a good reason to rewatch Haywire.