The Narrator Returns

Glad you liked 20th Century Women as much as I did. You might want to check out the director's previous movie, Beginners, which is pretty similar in style and structure to Women, although much more present-tense, and Christopher Plummer is really terrific in it too.

I liked Ewan McGregor's corporate toadie masquerading as the big boss. The shot of him standing all smug on the beach while Carano is in the background about to fuck his shit up is golden.

Greenberg: Weirdly, this was previously the Baumbach movie I had the hardest time engaging with (while I had no problem with the onslaught of Margot at the Wedding) or laughing at, maybe because of the combination of assholes and a more laidback style. But that's maybe what worked most for me this time, with the

Thora Birch sez on Twitter that Criterion will be releasing Ghost World in May!

Also, if they cancel it, then we won't get to see what clip they use for when 20th Century Women comes up in the Original Screenplay category.

Quoth Don Logan, NO! Nonononononononononononono! No! Do you want Trump to brag to his base that he won over those stuck-up Hollywood liberals?

Soderbergh/Holmes, too. Hell, Soderbergh/Newman as well.


Have you seen Clouds of Sils Maria? She is phenomenal in that, maybe better than goddamn Juliette Binoche.

Because people don't realize how hard it is to appear effortlessly natural on-screen. And maybe a little because the movies she's been great in since Twilight began haven't been seen by many people. But a good deal of it is garden-variety sexism.

Whoa, I saw that announcement but didn't put it together that they were covering Blank Check. Praise be to Mr. Macintosh!

That sounds like the actions of someone with a very high Thetan count…

I feel like I'm overselling it, since not even the other people who love it have reacted this strongly to it, but it's just really stuck to my bones in a way few films have.

Incidentally, 20th Century Women has a lot of cathartic dancing, if that makes @avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus more interested in seeing it.

Palm Pictures put out a DVD with both of them that I got from the library. Both are on the internet too (Deformer on YouTube, Paperboys… someplace shadier).

On Thursday, I rewatched Mike Mills' 20th Century Women, which is still by far my favorite movie of the year and maybe my favorite movie to have come out since The Tree of Life. I also watched Thumbsucker, also from Mills, which only shows the massive leap in quality (and orginality) he made from that to Beginners and

So apparently Paul Thomas Anderson is serving as his own DoP on his next film.