
The second half of season 3 is most excellent, especially the season finale.

Just a sidenote, the Twin Peaks and Hitchcock episodes are a product of James Roday's interests, not Steve Franks.

Can you imagine if Anne Dudek was still on the show? I don't think it would be a good thing at all. She is jarring enough on Covert Affairs and she's hardly on screen.

I remember the scene you talk about. I'd have to rewatch the scene for the exact words but whatever Shawn says about her parents may have just applied to her step-dad. She would have considered him her "father" basically.

Maybe they will if Shawn and Jules get married in season 7, since Cybill plays Shawn's mother anyway.

Have you watched the entire series? The Shawn and Juliet attraction began in episode 2 and even while he was with Abigail. When he kissed Abigail at his high school reunion, he still looked over to Jules. He had another reaction when Jules asked him out when he was about to go on his first date with Abigail. Let's not

Finally I somewhat agree with one of your Psych reviews. ;-) I was very disappointed that there was not more interaction with Henry in this episode. It seemed like a prime opportunity for Shawn to have another realization moment that his father was not the "bad guy" that he was made out to be during his childhood.

The Clue episode won't be happening until Season 7 now unfortunately. Same with the musical episode.

Good point - I don't think they ever mention the bowling issue in future episodes. Shawn also got visibly jealous again in the Bollywood episode where Juliet has to pretend to date the dude with the "love curse" and the episode when Jules' old college sweetheart returns.

I think Juliet plays both the parts you mention because that is the type of girlfriend someone like Shawn requires. One part gahgah in love with him and one part mother (going by his personality and the fact that his mother left him and his dad when he was young).

I agree that it was the worst of the season thus far, but I still don't think you "get" Psych. :) Reading all of your reviews for the show make that really shine. After I saw this episode, and realizing my own opinion of it, I expected you to rate it a D. So at least you shocked me with the C+.

Kevin, I really think you just do not understand "Psych". As others have mentioned, it is not a procedural show at all. It is a buddy comedy. It is also vastly superior to "Community", both in execution, writing, and love of their fans. Sure, that's my opinion, but I stand by it.