A System of Tubes

Hero, Fearless, Alive!

The title made me think I was going to see the cops beating up Mr. SquarePants.

True, but the bacterial lineages were likely modified at some point using viruses, so maybe we can award some partial credit…

I wanna see the AD/The Help mashup trailer.  Get on that now, Internet.

re: 'PS: You misspelled "surprised".  The irony abounds!'

I'm a little surprised that an AV Club piece laying out the nerd/geek dichotomy misuses "it's":  "…unusually focused on it’s A-story…"

Fucking jackass.

I vote for my <100,000 midwestern university town: great restaurants, friendly pickup soccer just about any day of the week, bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly, reasonably diverse (though it's kinda fake diversity, since a lot of the "diverse" people are just here for a few years), and a pretty good music and arts