
I guess Gemma and Wendy have a lot to talk about, huh?

I guess Gemma and Wendy have a lot to talk about, huh?

Indeed. That line made me laugh out loud.

Indeed. That line made me laugh out loud.

That was a great episode. The Braverman's are really hitting a stride. When this show does its best work, it makes me want to become a better parent.

That was a great episode. The Braverman's are really hitting a stride. When this show does its best work, it makes me want to become a better parent.

I guess Charlie Utter is out of the question, since he's on my other favorite show, The Sons of Anarchy. Al Swearengen would be a welcome sight though.

Agent Zero, anyone?

This is a deeply disappointing review of a truly heartfelt study of the human spirit.

I think it is safe to assume bigger things from ol' Lem, given the animosity between him and Tig.

I was a little let down by the constant sexism in this book. I can't really understand why you'd choose to write a book that is purportedly dealing with racism, only to offer blatant sexism instead.

So, Piney
Did he off himself, or no?

Wait, are we actually applauding The Wire for realism here? Does no one remember Bunny's Hamsterdam experiment og McNulty's serial killer? Let's not go overboard here.

This was an A epispode for sure. My money is on Trinity.

Stray observation

Anyone willing to bet that Agent Stahl will now resurface to revel in the SOA mysery?

I find this theory idiotic.

Oh, so he's like Snoop on The Wire? I seem to remember that things ended well for her after that show ended.

Old Fat Boy
I was not at all surprised to see Bobby side with Jax. I think he's been giving hints all season that he sees him as the future of the club.