
Call it shallow, but this is the kind of show (like Sunny or Archer) I've looked forward to watching once a week for a half hour of straight up, non stop "laffs." Just big, belly shaking guffaws.
It was all well and good in the first season until that Bully episode, then people just got on their knees and

No Stray Observations?
I was really hoping to see "Did you just put your cigarette out on me?" "I don't like nightmares." "Yeah. You can't just throw cigarettes at people." (It was something like that.)
I found that hilarious for some reason.

I'm sorry
Between the comments and the review itself, absolutely everybody is making this mistake and I love Home Movies so much that I can't take it…
It's spelled "McGuirk."

I was asking for Inglourious Basterds for Christmas, too.. thanks to that quote marathon up top, I really don't want to wait anymore.

And to the writer, all is forgiven for calling "This Protector" a half-assed closer. Those are the words I've been looking for all along! :D

Oh snap, I almost forgot about Aluminum! I'm going to go listen to it right now. <3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Oh yeah, and "Well It's True That We Love One Another" is a disaster.

I think White Blood Cells was an excellent choice, I prefer it over Elephant myself (I'm sorry, but "In The Cold Cold Night" ruins the entire experience for me). Only slip up is the album actually closes with "This Protector," though I wouldn't blame the writer for wanting to forget that song. Nothing against Meg.

And the nominees for the Emmy are… Danny DeVito, in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia… *clip plays*
"Brrrrppp.. Glllrrgghhhh…. Bluugghhhhh…"

I'd always figured it was the same gun from the season 1 episode, "Gun Fever." They buy a gun to keep at the bar because there's a thief running around or something, but they all just end up screwing around with it to feel cool. Frank wasn't in the show yet now that I think about it, but I don't remember them getting

Anybody read (comic) The Walking Dead? They had a pretty good thing going with that prison for a while.
Anyway, I don't have much intention of seeing this movie.. for the single, possibly shallow reason that in the trailer the zombies are way too fast.
Zombies shouldn't be that fast.

Don't forget about King Koopa in the Super Mario Bros. movie. One of the very few times I would have preferred CG.

That was what I thought too. Disappointment isn't the word. Sigh.

A /female/ deer.

I'm sure you can't be talking to me, WWYND. All this username is ever met with is pure, unadulterated anger. I wish I could change it; I have so many better ideas now.
"Fathers: Leave your families," for one.

True, TW. Second albums always make me nervous now.

Besides, you'd never see YYYs mentioned on this site outside of a review; they're too 'mainstream.' AVC/Music has to uphold their stupid indier-than-thou reputation, you know.

Why is it, that when talking about YYYs, no one ever mentions Show Your Bones? I really liked that album. Am I the only one?

I was hoping someone else would notice. I thought I was going crazy.