
Thanks for the redemptive correction. I forgot about this date and their anti-TM stance while I was wallowing in self-pity. There's a lesson in there somewhere, but I guess I'm just too old and too slow to figure it out.

East/West coast locales only, too. Old enough to remember when Chicago ranked as a weekend stop on a tour, and not a place one played on a Tuesday, if at all. And Eddie is from here. Oy.

Agreed. Came back from lunch, popped on here to procrastinate on a lazy Friday afternoon, and got waylaid. Hug your loved ones.

Your overlords are stern taskmasters. I am sorry. Give it a peek when you get home. 'sno big thing.


Yeah, she's double delish.

Posh. Haven't had a major problem with any of the rebooters, but Baker was the best of em all. 

I can't rememer if it was Comedy Bang Bang or WTF, but on one of those Nick Offerman said that the PnR folks had him in mind for Swanson all along, iirc. 

Years? Wasn't that cast together for a single season?
