
The slowest of the five, ugh.

I was audibly upset that I had to wait another week for my non-book-reading wife to see the Red Wedding.  I'm really enjoying seeing everything new again through her eyes.

Yeah, that was a pretty bad case of Chekov's [X]

The Hound was never portrayed as being exceptionally ugly aside form his scarring.

It's weird that I can get completely sick of something in 24 hours.  Like Manti Te'o.  "Ugh, Te'o-ing was SO YESTERDAY!"

Glad I'm not the only gun nut that thought that.  At that distance he'd be lucky to get even one shot that landed, and at a greatly reduced velocity.

Yeah, GRRM would never just leave a character wandering around, devoid of purpose germane to the central plotlines….

Sir M'lady

B-b-b-but, Tycho Nestoris, mercenary banker!

"Rhaegar fought nobly.  Rhaegar fought valiantly.  Rhaegar died."

Esp since Robb was never even a POV character in the books.


Plus Sansa has such low self-esteem that she would have no problem with an MMF if, like Margaery suggested, it resulted in pregnancy.

She's like that in everything, I think it's because of her overbite, which some men find cute.

There was the prologue for book four that never really tied back into much else, right?

Don't forget that A) Varys hates magic and B) Varys has deep ties to Braavos & Pentos.

I totally do not remember Arya and Melisandre meeting….!

You nailed it, fyi

Six years in and we finally get a good Bobby Draper scene!

It's his density….destiny….