Bob Dole likes Mariah Carey
Bob Dole likes the new album title. Bob Dole thinks he'll buy this one.
Bob Dole likes Mariah Carey
Bob Dole likes the new album title. Bob Dole thinks he'll buy this one.
Bob Dole uses the internet
Bob Dole should have been part of Team America. Bob Dole would have led them to victory.
Bob Dole is posting
Bob Dole thinks wolf-man's got nards.
Peanut Butter
Bob Dole loves it.
Bob Dole doesn't know why Brett Ratner is still a working director. Bob Dole thinks his movies are terrible.
Bob Dole thinks a little taste of Johnny Guitar would seem essential for such an article as this.
Bob Dole thinks 1+1=2.
Bob Dole thinks that's pretty close to a panacea.
Bob Dole thinks a few moments of this movie are critically underrated.
Bob Dole stands on jelly.
Bob Dole was moved, impressed, and hyped up by the season finale. Bob Dole just had to share that with someone.
Bob Dole wonders about eating the fescues.
Bob Dole wants to eat the fesces.
Bob Dole thinks this film was an uncomfortable choice for Ms. Thurman.
Bob Dole thinks Jimmy Fallon blows.