Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The problem might be that he's principally an impressionist, not a sketch actor.

I went into the movie blind, and during the opening credits I was like, "Gerard Depardieu is in this?!". Was also expecting him to pop up, and while he never did, image of that cook was vividly in my mind during Pi's recounting of the events.

I went into the movie blind, and during the opening credits I was like, "Gerard Depardieu is in this?!". Was also expecting him to pop up, and while he never did, image of that cook was vividly in my mind during Pi's recounting of the events.

I was laughing all the way through. Maybe they were sometimes a little cheap, but an episode that keeps me entertained for 90 minutes is a real achievement. I don't know what these other people are expecting, and I don't understand them.

I was laughing all the way through. Maybe they were sometimes a little cheap, but an episode that keeps me entertained for 90 minutes is a real achievement. I don't know what these other people are expecting, and I don't understand them.

I don't think it would even make sense for Raylan to try kill him at that spot… making him unable to serve any kind of lethal threat seems to be enough in that situation. Given what has happened previously, I wouldn't think Raylan would be too trigger-happy to just shoot people dead.

Yeah, apart from a bit too much Wiig this was fairly experimental show that went to some unexpected places. At least B-.

Well, she's the only one of female cast members who does a decent old lady.

Also, Vanilla Sky.

This is right. Thomson and Thomson are played by Pegg and Frost, not only "voiced by" as the review suggests.

I have so low expectations when someone in USA does a finnish accent, that just that it wasn't german was a plus for me… but yeah, it wasn't nailing it either.

I know that majority of people in AVC don't really care if SNL nails some obscure nation it's using more as a background noise rather than make a comedic point, but I nevertheless enjoyed that they seemed to at least try make "Kalle" a little bit authentic for us finns. Accent wasn't that far off, and look and style

It's … the Bishop!

I think Pratchett said somewhere, that he did with Small Gods what he was trying to accomplish with Pyramids. Still, that's not that bad of a collapse.

Apparently, Rickety Cricket was also part of the cast.

So, there is an obvious need for a thread about that porn star
I like freckles.

His face looked a bit puffy there. But then again, the faces he's able to make reacting to some weird shit…

Is Monty Python too obvious? Though their TV-series seems to have many more forgotten gems than their films. "How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away" perhaps? Or something from the later seasons, like "Salad Days"?

There are way too many finnish people or finnish speakers on these boards for it to be healthy.

Thought it's been quite amazing how humorless they're trying to make him look in the way they edit the CR. They apparently don't realize that de Pury's character is pretty fixed as pretty much crazy awesome.