
I agree, but it's not like Ted knows at the time that he's never going to end up with Robin. Even though it's very unlikely, he still hadn't ruled it out at the time. I really thought he let go of her after that touching scene in The Final Page, but sadly he hasn't.

Finally, someone actually gets it. Ted is being blamed for this (because everyone hates him) but it is Robin that is now struggling to let go of him.

Ahh, although the quality of the show hasn't really declined, I do like these old series. It's a shame they are only showing it in America this late on.

Just in case anyone was wondering:
As seen in the photos, Lily was either once in possession of the locket (a flashback) or has it during the season finale.

I've never had a huge problem with the Ted/Robin story lines after their breakup like most others. Robin represents the ideal to him, the first love of the show, the woman he thought he'd end up with. It's not easy to let that all go even after 8 years, and I'm sure her marrying someone so unstable as Barney is

Seriously, do you guys actually have nothing better to do than complain about all the new episode and talk about how great seasons 1 and 2 were? The show has obviously declined but that doesn't mean the latest episodes are unbearable. But to be honest I think this episode would have been far more interesting if Barney