
Herschel Heisman Winning Bobsled Running MMA Fighting Walker would like a word.


Saul admitting to it probably renders anything Walt would say as moot.

Can Odenkirk play Ned Beatty to his Gene Hackman? If so, yes.

As a new Avenger?

It has moments that are geniunely funny, and Rob Corddry is unsurprisingly delightful. But Garner as essentially Sarah Palin: Butter Queen was just dreadful.

Has anyone tried that "Max" feature (on PS3 at least) that gives you a personalized move recommendation? We did last weekend and ended up watching that horrible Butter movie with Jennifer Garner, so.

So this has the shoot-em-up climax that Michael Moore's Sicko so desperately needed?

If District 9 was less of an action movie and more high-concept, it'd essentially be all the boring Trade Federation stuff from the Star Wars prequels.

2 District 2 9

Oh hey, we hate District 9 now? OK.



The Blind Melon of Jefferson Airplane?

More like The Secret Life of Walter Whitey, amiright?

I also think "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer" roughly translates back as "Sex Cauldron."

FXX turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually I hardly noticed.

During rainy days on my vacation in the Dominican, it was fantastic to watch old reruns of the show in Spanish ("The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson being a particular highlight) simply because local affiliates only seem to show reruns from the last three or four seasons.  So, yes, an entire channel would be

Ahem. Nute Gunray.

Please refer all casting calls for bad guys in extreme amounts of makeup to Gary Oldman.