
It's like they get off on being withholding.

Can DiCaprio spend the next 20 years playing hammy villains like he did in Django? Because I liked him more in that than… well, anything else he's done.

Well, everyone knows Creed died in Rocky IV. What this movie presupposes is… maybe he didn't?

That was me with Fight Club.

Say Anything, God Dammit


"You had me at hello, or some shit."


"Reins In Puny Dollars" -Variety

I didn't get a Happy Endings notification for this?

Burreaking Bad, duh.

In all seriousness, using Justified's first season as a model would work.  A good bit of standalone, case-of-the-week style episodes, which help to develop the series arc.

Saul Goodman is forced to move his practice from New Mexico to Kentucky, where he is unwittingly dropped in the middle of an ongoing drama of federals, criminals, and the local law enforcement who fall somewhere in the middle.  Better Call Saul 'n Wynn, this fall on FXX.

They're going to kill off the villain they should've used in the third movie at the end of the second?

Wait, for the excellent movie, do you mean Superman Returns? Batman Returns? Or did you mean The Dark Knight?

Considering that there's been, what, three good DC comics movies in the last 20 years, and all were Batman films by Chris Nolan, this shouldn't really be all that surprising.

Rob Brydon as Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth as Batman

Nah, Kilmer's too busy writing himself into the Avengers sequel as Natalie Portman's fiance.

Great, cue three years of internet rumors about who will play the main villain, Mecha Shiva