
I agree.  Even though Alex was my 'listen to' as a guitar player, the whole of what they produced was simply amazing, and way beyond what what was "mainstream" at the time.

MURDER!!!   Climb aboard the Murder Train!!!!!
MURDER!!!  Climb aboard, dude.

I watched, but I shouldn't have…
….on Wednesday. I hate myself for even saying so, but Pia was why I even tuned in. I wanted to see her progress (thanks for the rant outlet, by the way). Yes, Iovine gave her a contract before all of the other ravenous wolves that were surely clamoring at her doorstep, but she needs

The Predictability of Insanity, Times 2
First of all, I nearly fell into a coma during DeWeezy's one song snooze-fest. I like the freak, but Jesus. H. Christ. Who the fuck would pay for that?

My Take…you bastards
I have to say that I was absolutely shocked..SHOCKED, I tell you, at the outcome of this, Season 9 of American Idol. It would seem as though the voting public actually gets the fact that the better (respectively, mind you) singer should not win the "Title" of American Idol, but should get his/her

They never should have saved that dude.

I didn't read every comment, so this may have been mentioned, but…
…I remember a show, way back when, that no one I know seems to recall, but I think it was called "Vegetable Soup", and my sporadic memory has me thinking that it was about a bunch of kids (puppets, except for their arms, which were just human hands)

The all sucked, more or less…
I'll say for now that Boxworthy(sp?) needs to lose the guitar so we can see how she handles herself in front of the audience w/out the comfort of the Six-String to hide behind. Fat-ass needs a new gig, also, especially given the fact that he's trying to be everything but his own

Right on, Id. I was really surprised at his finger-work. The song itself put me to sleep, however.