Prof River Song

That wouldn't allow Harry to be the most important person in the history of the universe in every single aspect of his life, though.


A Two Broke Girls B- is like a Community "what the Fuck, guys, just because you were put on midseason hiatus doesn't mean you need to resort to cheap sitcom cliches, we were counting on you, the whole internet nerd culture was counting on you!"

Oh god. I think the premise for this show may have been just that pun. I definitely wouldn't put that past Whitney Cummings.

Not only that, but he did it with absolutely no surprised inflection in his voice. He maybe raised his eyebrows a little bit? READING LINES STATING YOUR FEELINGS IS NOT ACTING. Look at this, I am caps lock levels of angry. It's like the show was trying to make me angry. And it worked! I'm angry.

There's bad acting, and then there's Johnny saying, "Max, I didn't know my girlfriend was going to hire you. She did it to surprise me. And it worked, I'm surprised. Look at how surprised I am!"

Pretty sure that makes you a pedophile.

No, it will be the words "my name."

I believe I read that one of her parents is Indian and one is Italian and Greek

I'm torn, because the "attractive people can't be rapists" thing was a dealbreaker for me. But then Kat Dennings showing genuine excitement was so delightful!

What about "Formal Robin"?

I don't have any problem with you reviewing Scrubs, I just wanted to say how much I want Cougar Town back. Six seasons and a movie!

Well, at least now the part about Jess being a newly single girl is realistic.

Why in the hell did you have to share that? It's bad enough that it happened, I don't need to hear it too.

Nope, trying too hard.

A maid? They clean up dirty stuff. They're probably all infested with germs.

And it's rarely even about music!

"Millions of dumb dick jokes." That is all I got out of the review (well, that and rape jokes). I feel like CBS would use that as a pull quote when advertising the show.

I don't understand why Ginnifer Goodwin has such a hold over me. She's always in such crappy stuff, but I keep rooting for her. I might even watch this fairy tale deal for her. Maybe.

Were you not aware that Hitler wanted to go to art school? BOOM, Godwin's lawed.