Prof River Song

Wait, were they Bamba? That stuff's definitely Israeli. And delicious.

Sometimes I want to like this show, but then it makes me feel icky. Bisexual jokes, nipple jokes, wad jokes. If it were funnier I wouldn't mind, but the fact that it isn't just gives me an overwhelming urge to wash my hands after watching.

And they complain about hipsters…

Ha! Those were exactly my two big options. Funny world.

The G8 Summit was in France.

Shucks, you're too kind. Unfortunately, I'm taken though.

Well, I'm happy! I got to marry the love of my life!

OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. How am I going to get out of killing the Doctor?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Does this mean Starburns won't be in their class this season? I was looking forward to getting to know his lizard better.

Yeah! You are the opposite of Batman!

Ok, so either I'm finding shitty pirated versions of the episode in Paris, or there was no unrelated jokes following the end credits. Which is not okay. I need my Troy and Abed time!!!!

Wait, do people find Ashley Greene attractive? Is that a thing now? Are… are we doing that?

I just wanted to jump on board with the Gnarl being incredibly creepy. One of the creepiest Buffy villains, in my opinion, although I've still got half of S7 to judge before I can say that definitively.

I'm really the firt person to say this?
It's okay that Travis dropped out of college. Now he can go to Greendale!

Maybe I'm just super emotional lately
But this was the kind of episode that makes me want to call ex-boyfriends. I just want someone to fucking cuddle with, thank you very much.

Wow, this sure is empty tonight
It reminds me of that moment in "When Harry Met Sally" when Harry says that silence means a really great meal. Except this is one of those, the episode was actually great moments, not one of those, oh no the commenters slept together and are afraid they've ruined the friendship moment.

^ Win

I trust Captain Jack can work around that. He's a man of the future, after all.

I'm a bit of a badass tonight. More than usual, anyways.

The Doctor answered that already- it's because every generation, especially as they go out to space and have the first moon landing to thank for it, will hear those words and remember on some subliminal level to kill on sight. Although that does have unfortunate implications for the idea that the Doctor is trying to