Bruiser Brody

It'll be a tough sell to stage a whole Broadway musical via Instagram, I fear.

Getting a real Allan Sherman 'My Son the Folksinger' vibe out of this, tbh.

The main gist of my mention of Clinton was that I watched a documentary back in the 90s about 'History of Rock' or something, and when the disco/funk era was covered, Clinton expressly said that he found disco to be too monotonous in it's production styles ( I believe it was something more along the lines of 'Who

Absolutely. We can have different takes on it, but your experience and thoughts on it are certainly worthy of respect. I'd never say there was no amount of homophobia in the 'disco sucks' type stuff, I'm certain there was. I just feel that this notion expressed by others that the fact that disco died off when it did

By the mid-90s it was mostly camp nostalgia, and people saying 'oh, yeah, these songs were pretty good.' Which, of course, they were.

I'm not sure I'm understanding your argument. People who liked rock were inherently racist because there weren't a lot of black rock bands? I mean, funk bands and soul/r&b artists were all over the charts at the time. Clinton's argument, I think, had more to do with the fact that he was a bandleader, and seeing his

A lot of that is true. I think that was, in some cases, because the punks felt more welcomed in gay clubs than in pubs/pars. That always struck me as more of a British conceit, though, and as much a way of being 'post-rock' before such a term existed.
Yeah, Blondie did disco, but they wanted to be stars in the worst

I'm old, and was a kid back then, and while disco was loosely connected with the gay subculture in people's minds ( considering the Village People were huge stars, I don't know where that idea came from ), this notion I've seen over the years that it was a big part of the black musical experience seems phony to me.

Lucky bastards!

I knew it was wrong to dream.

If only thus were true.

Finally got a chance to listen to this new album by Dyke Drama, the 'solo' venture of the singer of G.L.O.S.S., a hardcore band from Portland, I believe. It's really great. I was only familiar with it because she opened for Beach Slang on some shows, and I took that as a cue to check it out. Terrific stuff, much more

Geoff Tate, the ex-singer of Queensryche?
I hope this is the case. I fear it is not.

Probably depends if this XXX reboot he's in does any business.
Not a pornographic film, mind you. Although he's a much worse actor than just about anybody in those films.

Good luck to this young lady. I don't know what she is best known for, but have seen her in a commercial for acne medication. It was probably the best performance I've seen in a decade. I'm not too big to admit that I cried.

I'm curious, with this news today, how many people actually know/knew what the Breitbart site is? I know that occasionally you will see people crabwalk over here from that site to leave a meanspirited/sealioning comment, but does the general public really know?
For their sakes, I hope not. Because, if you don't,

They've been a shit show for as long as I can remember, and I remember Gerald Ford.

I was told earlier today that he is going to be in a remake of 'Interview with a Vampire', so maybe not?

Rather see Bjorn Borg, tbh. At least I've heard of him.

I found parts of 'The Other Guys' to be pretty funny, but a lot of that was Wahlberg. Ferrell is what he is, and when he lapses into his stupid yelling gimmick, I just wince. Reilly's goofus gimmick has always left me cold, too, although he can act when he wants to.