Bruiser Brody

**grunts, sips diet Dr. Pepper, clears throat, walks away, falls down open manhole cover**

I'll agree with your point that it's been copied so many times at this point that anybody looking at it having never seen it before probably would shrug. Plus, the film came out when people were just 'discovering' Belushi, in particular. That made it a big deal. I can still quote it, so I am biased. But there's other

That's a fair assessment, it's nearly 40 years old. I disagree that 'only' people with fond memories can enjoy it, but I can't speak to what people find funny in this day and age. Apparently things like 'Sausage Party', which…okay. Fine.

Don't want it at all. I mean, it's happening, so good luck to all involved. But I kinda think society has had enough adaptations of Sherlock Holmes these last few years, let alone one with goddam Ferrell in it.

We can disagree, of course, and I'm 300 years old, so I have fond memories of it, but I think most people do think it is. But, we can differ. I mean, I think Ferrell and Reilly are generally really witless and one note, but not everybody will agree with that, either.

The whole film?

Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley already did that about 30 years ago, it was really fun, and I'd guess this will not match up to that. This feels like 'big news' if it was 2005.

In what way is he 'threatening'? He's married to a Kardashian, has had several hit albums, and designs clothes on the side. He's as mainstream a celebrity as you can get without actually hosting a game show.

Are you saying they should have acts that are actively threatening to the viewing audience?

I usually find Wright's stuff pretty creative (much like QT, and others, he obviously loves the movies he nods towards), and serves the general narratives of the films. I don't think he's a brilliant director, or anything, but he does have a lot of life to what he puts on screen, and a lot of humor. I still feel like

I grew weary of the sound of simpering years and years ago.

Lots of great young rock bands around. Just not in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, apparently.

I haven't, although the name is familiar to me. I will check it out. Thanks for the heads up!

Hmm. Well, now I've looked into it a bit, and it appears they are still going on. Facebook/Twitter active and up to date. Thought I'd heard otherwise. Well…good! Sorry for the misleading info.

I got that Craft album when it came out; it isn't as glam-infected as I'd hoped (although I also don't need straight pastiche, either), but there's definitely something there. I'll have to give it a few more listens, because I liked it well enough but didn't completely grab me. Someone to watch going forward, though.

Interesting. Definitely would've changed the film, and I think not for the better. One big reason it works for me is that, as Clooney and Soderbergh both said at the time, it's like a really good episode of the "Rockford Files". The chemistry between Clooney and Lopez helps sell the film, I'm not sure what older male

He can go to hell!

I'll have to watch Snowblood again, been ages since I've seen it. But I'm sure you're right.

Makes sense. I remember hearing about 'The Bride Wore Black" (or something, the Truffaut film). Like I say, I don't think he's ever denied that he is a product of his influences, but tends to take themes and expand on them. Whatever the feeling about his films, and I can understand if they don't always appeal to

I'm a uniter, not a divider.