Bruiser Brody

Most people don't go see a movie multiple times in the theater. This is what I'm referring to.

Word of mouth can help, sure, but I'd guess most people who are interested will see a movie in it's first week or two. I'd also guess that most people don't see a film multiple times in theaters. Some do, of course. But you are the gravy in that scenario.

No, Nader's ego remains enormous, but I don't think he'd willingly be filmed talking about how great Russia's record of human rights is. I never bought into Nader for one second, and to this day, don't know why anybody did. Oh, yeah, people thought there was no difference between Bush and Gore. I think, what little

Well, he actually has an electoral record, being an ex-governor, which helps. Stein is just a grifter, and always has been. But if you look at Johnson's history, much of it is just GOP boilerplate. It's just that, since I believe he's actually involved in the marijuana business now, he's ok with weed. Which for some

It's not really 'immature', it's just 'crowd pleasers'. I don't think anybody goes to any action movie, whether comic book or otherwise, really thinking they are getting much beyond what the agreed-upon expectations are. Some are better than others, but most, including the Marvel ones, are paint by numbers. But a lot

Figure that's been written in stone for awhile now.

Probably, but that's the case with about 99 percent of any movie released anymore, particularly during the summer. The audience that wants to see it will see it on opening weekend, and then the rest is just crumbs. It'll likely do a bit better, though, because the 'big' summer movies are pretty much wrapped up now, so

It's made a lot of money this weekend though so, yet again, whatever complaints you or others have, it is meaningless to the vast majority of people who just want to see shit blow up. Which is the vast majority of the audience for any of these comic book movies (and action movies in general).

Anything I've read about him, which is admittedly brief, does seem to match up with your final sentence there. I'd almost say the entire enterprise has been one long grift, but that would require an almost unprecedented string of long cons working for the final payoff. Why this shit movie instead of the many, many

Of course not. I read some things about the gathering online, and it was the usual Green Party shitshow of deadenders, grifters, conspiracy theorists and Paulites. Stein is a worthless con artist, as always, as well as being an anti-vaxxer who thinks kids get cancer from Wi-Fi, and last year was on video at a dinner

Agree on 'The Witch', which I found to be quite mesmerizing in it's way, and it's feel and languid pace kind of reminded me of an early 70's Hammer film, which is meant as a compliment. I certainly took the supernatural events at face value; I suppose the tired trope you mentioned could have been the intent, but I did

Yep. It's a very good looking film, Roundtree was really dynamic in it, and it was the film's success that led to a lot of the cheaper, albeit often entertaining, films that came in it's wake.

All of his posts are. He's trying very hard.

It's a pretty tense and stressful film; I was around 10 when it originally came out, and would not have handled it well. But having worked in movie rentals for years, I also know that kids all have a different tolerance for that kind of stuff.
So I shall remain luke warm water in this regard. A preserved moose.

That's a pretty deep cut. If you'd said The Fluid, I'd have sent you a roll of silver dollars

: (

Thanks for the info. I legit didn't know any of it.
I still want toasted marshmallows, though. Nothing has changed on that front.

Yes, that's more what I mean. I've lived/worked in Boulder for over a decade. Even if it wasn't legal, it would still be the apple of most people's eye.

Ms Romano, not Mrs.!! She was always very specific about that!
What you described was also Eddie Van Halen's reasoning.

I'm guessing the Ghost of John Denver's greatest regret is that he didn't live to see all this dope.