Bruiser Brody

Hardcore Republicans hate McCain, and still blame him for not pushing that Obama is a Muslim out to destroy this country. I knew that when Trump made those comments, it wouldn't matter to his supporters, or Republicans in general. I worked with right-wingers, and when I asked them if they cared about it, they said

'Look, they use potatoes, I think, to make vodka, right? Well, people like vodka. My people…they are…we don't…Russians make the best vodka, well, the second best after I…Obama has never protected Idaho, and…there's…Idaho has potatoes. And…'

Yep. It's also accurate to point out that this is not only an 'American' problem. I truly believe that Le Pen can win in France. Which is horrific.

There will be someone in the near future who will play to these exact same things, but not as grotesquely buffoonish as Trump. It's proving that it will work in the GOP. That cat is out of the bag, and has raced down the hill. Expect more of it. People need to be always aware. Look at the cowardice of people like Ryan

Yeah, that'll make it harder, no doubt. It'll depend how much damage Trump will have done to the GOP. My guess is a lot, but people also have short memories. So who knows?

That happened, theoretically, a year ago, and it made no difference. His supporters don't care. They cheer his hateful rhetoric, and revel in it. He has a ceiling, and I don't believe he will win, but if there are people who support him now, nothing he says will make a difference to them. But I do believe there is an

Skip had a vague David Hartman vibe about him, so I could see where a network would see him as a host for something. As odd as it may seem to many, 'Real People' was pretty popular for a few years back in the stone age. It was probably the fact they all wore matching red sweaters.

I think it's more that the novelty has been beaten severely to death. At least, I'd assume so.

I was amused to see in a PPP poll released tonight that Harambe the dead gorilla polled higher for President than the anti-vaxxer Jill Stein. But these things are usually rigged for the establishment dead gorillas, so…

When he married Roseanne, it was definitely spinning it's wheels.

That's a fair criticism. Like I say, I don't recall it all that well, but what you describe seems likely.

I tried watching it on Crackle a few years ago, for laughs, and it was a total waste of time, with random breaks throughout, and cheap edits. Sometimes it's nice to pay for things that are done well. Crackle was the equivalent of squinting at scrambled porn in the 80s.

There's also an NBA center by the name of Larry Sanders. He's not related to any of the above, but it's my understanding that a bird landed on his podium once, too.

The show did start to run out of steam as it went along, as they'd just about done all they could with the format, but I mostly remember Hank as being a dim, smarmy fuck from the very beginnings. He was good at being a phony, I suppose, but he was never considered very bright. But it's been years since I saw the show

I do not begrudge anyone their tastes, but as an old record store guy who had to stock a lot of crappy used records, the notion that there is an audience for Michael Franks records means that we have now exhausted every avenue of recorded sound for people to 'rediscover'. I suppose the positive is that, at least 20

I think Anderson just decided to work with other writers. I don't know one way or the other, but I wonder how much input Wilson had in those early scripts.Ideas, a few lines, maybe. He hasn't written anything since.

Rather see a live action movie about those two crows.
Chris Evans seems like a really nice guy, and he's good in the Cap role, but I don't think anybody is really interested in seeing him act in anything else. No shame in it, that Marvel money is as green as it comes. Really won the lottery ticket on that one.

No, it's idiotic to make it at all. How much clearer do I need to be? But if it must be made, then who cares who makes it? It'll be a failure no matter who does it.

I'm way too old, myself, but was aware of the show when it was on. It was shit then, and I can't fathom the depths of Buzzfeed-enhanced, useless nostalgia it would entail for anybody to care about it at all. Tons of these 'properties' they are trying to spit shine for a new batch of parents to take their kids to on a

I am nothing if not controversial.