Bruiser Brody

Let us hope he can live up to the lofty standards of the Power Rangers franchise with it's intricate plotting and storytelling, great humor and inspired acting.

Please don't hate him because he's beautiful.

I generally give those sorts of discussions a wide berth, to avoid all angles of engagement.

To me, the lack of Blanc's voice will always hurt any modern Looney Tunes feature. That's personal taste, of course.
But, yes, Le Pew had one story which they told over and over again. I also didn't care for Roadrunner/Coyote, and only truly enjoyed Wile E. when he could talk and was battling Bugs Bunny and he was a

I'd never get close enough to one to find out

That, and to not wear a black fur coat when walking under a freshly painted overhang, sign, or other object.

Not if you've ever met a Frenchman

There can definitely be an element of people searching for context or subtext when there isn't one there. That was generally the area of cultural critics for films, or whatever, but there is the ability to analyze anything. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but I will see certain complaints made about seemingly

Lot of blood shed in that one, if I recall. Quite shocking for it's time.
Jerry Ford had to address the nation just to calm us down. He was a fine man.

I mean…I had no idea. None.
Los Angeles is a hellhole.

I'm old, and watched Looney Tunes religiously every Saturday morning. When a Pepe le Pew came on, I was always disappointed.
My life has never been the same since.

I think, beyond all the japes and raspberries done at this fellow's character, the real question is why anybody would think a Pepe le Pew movie would have any kind of audience at all. How many times are they gonna go back to the well of long-dormant cartoons and imagine that anybody gives a shit? There's no nostalgia

A legacy that kind of ended in the mid 80s

Had the same thought. I think the only 'concept' I can recall going all the way through is some Queensryche album or something.

That's Max Landis?
Jesus Christ…..

That's fair. I wonder if it was kind of a half-baked idea, that they half were committed to, and after awhile Townshend was just 'ah, forget it'.

Yeah, I know I'm probably on the wrong side of history on 'Who's Next', but it's just never appealed (keep in mind my favorite Who album is 'Sell Out' ). Agree on the 'operas'; while I can appreciate Pete's ambitions, too much was sacrificed, and far too much filler just randomly accepted in the name of 'storytelling'

I will actually second Mohd's praise of 'A Very Secret Service'. I watched the first season on Netflix, and it is very, dryly, funny. It definitely helps to have an understanding of French politics of that era; nothing too specific, but things about colonialism, DeGaulle, Nouvelle Vague and the like. Very amusing,

I was always kind of indifferent to the Who when I was becoming a music listener, I think because the stuff I heard was either the same 2 or 3 early cuts, or the bombastic stuff starting with 'Who's Next' (which I still don't like, Daltrey just dreadful), and heard the initially re-mastered, extended "Live at Leeds'

Making multi-million dollar movies based on comic book characters is, in itself, an attempt to curry audience favor. Maybe it's a case of them getting the memo after the reaction to the previous film, and trying to improve things to make people happy. That's now a bad thing? It's not an artistic statement, these are