Bruiser Brody

Isn't that every Marvel movie that's been made?

Mostly true, although add 'Hunky Dory' to that; 'Ziggy' and 'Aladdin' had been recent remasters (within a couple of years) so they were not specifically for this box, but makes me wonder if they were heading that way. I assume most every title going forward (aside from 'Station', which got a remaster a couple years

I got him to appear in my family Christmas reels a few years back, and all it took was two helpings of ham salad.
He played my Uncle Chuck

His son is a successful film director, and I doubt Iman is hurting for cash, so unless this is for Angie's doing, which I doubt, it's all a part of the 'legacy'. Not like his stuff hadn't already been re-issued/mastered twice before. These boxes are really nice, though. I've got the first one, and will get this,

I think the last really noteworthy box will be the Berlin years, and then, yeah, they will probably just zip through the rest of them. There was a real fallow period after 'Let's Dance', and anything recorded from late 90s on doesn't really need to be 'remastered', anyway.

He was the inspiration for Charlie Brown

I put that more on the year of our lord 1983 than anything else.

Comic book characters had been portrayed almost entirely as camp on-screen until…X-Men, maybe? There was never any intention to create any sort of 'emotional response' to them, because they were generally always played for laughs ( I guess the "Incredible Hulk" tv show was the exception, but that was also pretty much

Price had an hourglass figure. Would've been quite striking.

I would've liked to have seen a Hammer version of Wonder Woman, if only to see Ursulla Andress or Ingrid Pitt as the lead. At the very least, Vincent Price. Christopher Lee as the main villain of Wonder Woman, who I have no idea who it is. Is there one?

Read this as Anton Chekhov for a moment, and was confused.

A lot of Vega's vocals really play up his Elvis fixation (the haunted tone of things like "Blue Moon", not "Viva Las Vegas") on the record. I played it today after mentioning it, it is quite good in it's way.

Ghostbusters made NYC look like a Disneyland set, which has been pretty much the city goal ever since. But agree that 70s NYC films always had a level of grime to them which really did make the city a true 'character in the film' (to callback on that cliché); when that went away, it could be easily replaced by many

Don't tell me, tell the kids. The kids!

Fascinating guy, interesting life. As an aside to the usual Suicide mentions you will find, there was recently a reissue of an album called 'Cubist Blues' which featured Vega, Alex Chilton and Ben Vaughan. It's pretty interesting stuff, rough in spots, but well worth a listen to anybody who is a fan of Vega (or

He had a real screen presence, which is half the battle right there. But I'm also of the mind that, if given time and the right directors (and no Col. Parker to ruin it), that Elvis could've been a solid actor, certainly as good as Sinatra. There are certain musicians/'entertainers' where you could play 'what it'?

Exactly. I'm not sure if it was because they imagined some of these songs being played in Danceteria and the Mudd Club, so they wanted to extend the grooves, or if they were just so caned that they couldn't ever see the finish line. I still enjoy the record, but it's flaws are well-documented.

I think we had a Blues Brothers, a Run DMC/Beastie Boys Together Forever, and probably Metallica or something.
I'd still hang a Shaft poster in my home, if I had one, tbh.

I think one of Stone's innumerable problems is that he is, at his relative talent level, a schlockmaster at heart. Which is fine, if you don't have any pretenses to being anything else. Can he write the sort of ribs and cigars hammy bullshit like Conan or a Dirty Harry movie? Sure, just use a lot of purple prose. But

Yep. Good call.
I should note that I was no different to those other college kids, and did the same sorts of thing.