Bruiser Brody

You'll find no argument from me, brother Ghost.

There was a time when it was 'Reservoir Dogs' (Christ, 2 decades ago), or 'Betty Blue' (even earlier than that). Now? Probably Deadpool or something

Agree on all Scarface comments (for both films). I've said for many years that the '83 version is legit among the worst films ever made; there's not a moment of it that isn't completely horrible, the performances are beyond parodic, the worst elements of Stone's hackwork shine like neon…yet people always tell me 'oh,

I've got the remastered CD edition (from the box set of a few years back), which returned it to it's original 3 record configuration, and it definitely works better in shorter bites. It's not as fatiguing or, in some cases, monotonous, as the 2-disc version.

It's a good film, Billy Dee and Stallone work well together, Stallone's beard is top-notch, and it's probably the last time Lindsay Wagner was in a featured movie role. Like you say, it's also a time when Stallone was still trying to be an actor, instead of a parody of one.

That's purity politics in a nutshell. Nothing ever quite lives up to one's own impeccable sense of self-worth, even if it's all just a pose, anyway.

Yeah, I don't expect they'll be expanding much beyond that, but they have built a couple of actual brick-and-mortar stores. I think they are more boutique/Third Man specific, so can't say how big they are, but it is cool that they do it (and you are right, they also do the pop-up shop/bus tour thing, which is pretty

Record stores can barely afford to exist anymore, and there's not too many left standing anywhere, so they can't afford to pay $15/hr to anybody, and that likely includes the owners. I mean, if they want to close in a week, I guess they can.

They have a store in Nashville and Detroit, I think. Also a record pressing plant which he opened in Detroit ( I believe ). White is doing a lot for communities, and has proven to be a very successful businessman who puts his money where his mouth is, but you know, he's 'weird' so it's best for people to make fun of

I could be wrong, but I think the restraining order was from the singer of the Von Bondies, a one-time Detroit band, who was a guy who got in a fight with White, and White punched him out because the guy was talking a lot of shit about him. There's a few reasons White left Detroit, and one of them was that he felt the

I did. Who cares?

The Box Tops paid for public transportation in Memphis in 1965 after the success of 'The Letter". Since they broke up, the city can't afford to fix the flat tire on the C-Line bus.

I wasn't familiar with the story, so I looked it up. Don't see the big deal. Just some guy who has crashed out in the business giving the sort of 'hot take' I'd read here about other stuff. Not sure it really matters. Certainly nothing to get all mad about. I don't think it's gonna affect the budget for more Captain

Ryan Adams pays for all the construction in my town

Thought that was Sneeches

Starring future British PM Rupert Grint.

Legit don't care who you vote for. You mean nothing. You can vote for a tree, or dip your limp old dick in ink and write in Bernie if you feel like it. Nothing about you matters. You clearly don't care about anybody else.
Glad to see you double down on your racist rhetoric with that second paragraph, though. Kinda

'Bernie lost by 4 million votes, why didn't his napkin list of proposals get incorporated into this platform? Why didn't his Nixon enemies list get people like Barney Frank and Dan Malloy removed? '
LOL. Guess you better vote for Jill Stein! Did you see that she came out in favor of this Brexit vote? 'Power to the


Some mysteries are best left…unsolved