Bruiser Brody

It really would seem to be in WB's best interests at this point; I'd also like to see Criterion get 'Performance', which makes all the sense in the world for them.

I'll take the blame for that one.

My pretzel had nothing to do with that decision!

The heart wants what it wants

Good luck to Mr. West now, and in the future.
I really have nothing else to add. I would like a cheese pretzel, though. Which is neither here nor there.


Yep, all true, but now I'm wondering if even WB is starting to relent, as Criterion is releasing 'McCabe and Mrs. Miller' soon. That may be more of a special case, as it appears Criterion is collecting the works of certain directors, Altman being one.

You ain't whistling Dixie

Eating Knox gelatin out of an aquarium

Yes, I saw that, too. I'm wondering if this deal with TCM is infusing them with more cash, because, as you say, they are really dealing with many of their new and upcoming releases. Pretty much the last outpost left for people who don't live their life dictated to by algorithms.

Criterion should re-release the original 'Nutty Professor', and I'm not even kidding about that.

Considering how many times this movie has been repackaged, I give Criterion credit for making it a little bit more special. I am already looking forward to their release of 'Beyond the Valley of the Dolls' (and am hoping it leads to a 'Faster Pussycat' release). They've got a lot of great titles coming in the next

The romantic idea that people have about France has always overlooked how closely they've teetered towards far-right government. Marine Le Pen's father was a longtime political figure/agitator in that country who has always had a following which ebbed and flowed with the economic times.
This notion that any of these

So much of this stuff is really tied to ultra-nationalism, xenophobia and hatred that it's hard to fully expect rational economic discussion. The last thing UKIP or the National Front care about is reasonable debate on policy. They are fascist movements.

Absolutely. I believe one of Farage's political idols was Enoch Powell, who did his famous 'rivers of blood' speech back in the early 70s. This is nothing new. I mean, how do people think Thatcher got to power?

Ah, appreciate the correction. These things do matter.

Yes. Many of these countries who Americans, in particular, think of as 'liberal bastions' because of certain economic policies or even the kinds of tv shows they have are, in many cases, as prone to regressive and reactionary thinking as the worst kinds of failed states. Provincialism and distrust are imbedded

Definitely true. I just always worry that people ignore even the most recent of histories, even as it stares them in the face. Because it happens all the time.

His stuff on Mo Wax was sensational, and he had a few tracks that were so beautiful I wanted to weep, but I can't say as anything he's done since then has interested me at all. I find myself wondering if that Mo Wax/Headz/Turntablist sound was just kind of right place/right time for me.

Maybe. Considering much of the UK has already woken up to idiots like Farage admitting, on national television, that the so-called 'benefits' that he and others had promised would come from this were total bullshit, and he was essentially making it up as he went along, there is likely already some second-guessing