Bruiser Brody

It's the tip of the iceberg, and we are seeing many other strong nationalist/ far-right groups in other countries calling for their chance to leave, as well. Le Pen in France, and the fucker in Denmark. More to come, I'm sure.

I couldn't remember if she did or not. I know that, after that Cruise vampire movie, she was considered an actress to look for in the future.

Yeah, forgot about the von Trier. I did see that.

She was reportedly very good in 'Fargo' this last season; I didn't see it, but heard good things. She's a fine actress, but can't remember seeing her in anything that noteworthy in a long time. She hasn't had a bad career, but I think, at the time, she was being fast tracked for bigger things.
It's not a shot against

He really did have a good understanding of delivering their deadpan comedy, something that Clooney really isn't that great at in their films. He used it really well in 'Moonstruck', too. But, yeah, I'm not sure what other Coen movie he'd have worked in.

Don't care a lick, but I'd guess part of the casting argument was that Dunst, at that point, was also considered a major star in the making (which didn't happen, but that's neither here nor there), and Banks wasn't, and never has been. The same logic can be used for casting Maguire; he'd been in some well-received

I'm guessing he works cheap

Some is very good, some almost comes off as a parody of what somebody would call a 'David Lynch' movie. I'm grateful people like him were given the go-ahead to have the career he did, but I don't feel like all of it worked all that well. I think if you're not readily invested into watching his stuff, it can probably

Keep cashing those checks!

They did, and, as you say, nobody cared.

I have owned many Parliament records in my life; surely some 'Chronic' money is headed my way?

True on the MI films; first one they sort of tried, after that it's been variations on James Bond or spy of the moment

Was 'Get Smart' a hit? I don't remember that being the case. Seems like if it was, they'd have made more of them. That was certainly the idea.
Mission Impossible, yeah, they've done well, but a lot of that is due to it starring Tom Cruise, and people remember the theme song. If they want these things to get off the

I was 30 at the time, and have almost no memory of it. If I hadn't worked at a video place for a decade, I'm sure I wouldn't remember it at all.

Sure. I'm not sure what the point of this is, but, it's true.
I think Moore likely got the Bond gig because of 'The Saint'.

Probably time to remake that, too.

I've heard of The Saint. I'll grant you, at this point, it makes as much sense as that 'Man from UNCLE' movie. I'm not sure that 'old Roger Moore series' from the 60s was all that great an idea in 1997, either.

Considering the massive success of that first 'Saint' film, the 'Avengers' film with Fiennes, the recent 'Man from UNCLE' film, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting, it's a good time to quietly thank the lord above for the creative minds which are dictating our mindless entertainment for now, and in the future.

Get Hulu, go to Criterion Collection, watch hundreds of samurai films made of various quality, many excellent, in Japan.
Problem solved.
'13 Assassins', a remake by Takashi Miike from a few years back, is also fantastic.

I actually worked with somebody who died in that exact same circumstance. He'd been bingeing out of depression, and had that exact scenario happen to him. Which made the whole thing feel even worse to those of us who knew him.