Bruiser Brody

That reminds me of when Adam Sandler re-made 'The Longest Yard', and his pitch of it was that 'we've made it into a comedy', as though the original, classic Burt Reynolds film wasn't already wonderfully funny.
I legit think nobody involved with SNL for the last 35 years has any concept of what comedy is. Which would

I do, actually

I'd guess it'll be very good. McMahon and his dad promoted the infamous Ali-Inoki 'fight', so they have a history (as well as Ali appearing at the first Mania).

He'll just wander off bitterly, without giving a concession speech, and then the next morning you will hear the GOP types complaining that they didn't win because they didn't nominate 'a real conservative'. He's not Pol Pot, he's a racist game show host.

It's been going on like that even in the primaries this go-round with both parties. There are many people monetizing and making a name for themselves by spreading the fiction that both parties races are close, when they haven't been for months. It's not just Republicans who are 'fact-averse' in this regard, either.

Trump is a carny who has seen where the GOP has headed for decades, and was savvy enough to take advantage of it. That was why I knew he would be the nominee. He looked at the field of other candidates, sussed them out as weak and ineffective, and bullied them into defeat. I've also said all along that, particularly

Agreed. Each album for a decade I was hoping to get that feeling back that I had off the first album, and it's just completely gone. The fact that, on the past album(s), Casablancas was literally phoning in his vocals says all that needs to be said about them. The music just grew more tepid and plastic; they started

That's about the size of it. These leftwing deadenders who say 'Maybe four years of Trump will spark the revolution' are the entitled, embittered few. Fuck them. They don't matter. They have never mattered. The large and diverse coalition that elected this President twice will not let a piece of shit like Trump win.

This is coming from someone who called Trump as the GOP nominee over a year ago. I can see how politics works. This shit won't fly. Believe in other people. I know it's not always the easiest thing to do in this country at times. But this fuck will not win, and then he's ruined for good. People just need to do their

You will find few people more pessimistic about this country than I am, and have been for much of my life, but there is also the understanding that there are Republicans who will not vote for Trump, who feel embarrassed by his buffoonery and racism, and while he will attract certain elements of these so-called

No. Look at the demographics and the math, instead of worrying about what you read on a facebook feed.
This won't be close. Liberals act like this is some sort of Machiavelli, or some shit. He's just a loud, racist buffoon. Fucking Bush was twice the politician this idiot is, Kerry ran a lousy campaign and was

I was amused for awhile, but then it's just shooting fish in a barrel, and gets kind of tiresome. It's like thinking 'Bob Roberts' is this amazing political satire instead of a smug diatribe (and I'm a lifelong liberal, so I agreed with the sentiment, at least).

I can dig that. 'Hype' definitely tends to make me cross my eyes, and it's often disappointing, but on the debut, it was what I wanted it to be. Keep in mind, too, that in 2001 there was very little of interest going on in rock n' roll, so this was a breath of fresh air for somebody like me (this and those early

Killing his finisher in the process. This fucking business

Some find flopsweat to be an intoxicant

It just looks like Ms. Lawrence is going up for a choke slam. It would likely finish the match, but at least she's not sandbagging this Alpaca fellow. That's bad for business.

It's an enchanting musk of old shoe leather, talcum powder, and wet wool

Fair enough. I prefer the rougher hewed sounds of "Is This It", plus it had gotten so much hype at the time (particularly as a reader of the UK music press), that I was delighted to see that it lived up to everything I had hoped it would. I didn't mind the second album, thought the third one was a mixed bag, and the

Hard to explain how much I enjoyed the first Strokes album, everything about it, and how disappointing I've found everything else since. I saw them live, on the day of the first album's release, and they were great, thought I was really seeing something special. Now, I can't imagine caring. Which is too bad, because I

Didn't know that. Thanks.