Bruiser Brody

Please do not put words in my mouth. Thank you.

Ah, fair enough. Thanks

Why is Joseph's name always bandied about around here for this sort of thing? I know him from a small part on 'Peep Show', and he was amusing in, but other than that, where does this come from? Has he done a lot of other stuff?

He would make an excellent Eleanor Roosevelt

I, personally, would like to see the Doctor played by a toucan. My friend, Felix, would make an excellent choice. Please consider him. Thank you.

Only a new drum machine. Doktor Avalanche has announced it is going to go solo

Kudos to her for the stealth Lisa Stansfield reference

It just felt very cut and dried; nothing particularly suspenseful about it, nobody all that interesting, and it landed exactly as you'd expect. I watched the whole thing because, why not, but was never really engaged by it. I will say, I generally like Hiddleston in things, but if he does get the Bond part, it'll be

Agree. Really was looking forward to it, and found it to be hopelessly generic. Which has nothing to do with the directing, it was fine, or even the acting, which was generally fine. But as a whole, it just felt like a big shrug, and I like LeCarre stuff.

The answer is always, in the end, acting in front of a green screen, it's true. Because there is only this or 'extremely depressing drama'.
Like I say, whatever, it doesn't matter. I don't blame anybody for taking the big green.

It's cool that after winning an Oscar for a performance everybody raved about, the first thing someone does is another comic book movie. I mean, I get it, grab that green, but it'd be nice if somebody once in awhile said 'No, that's okay. I appreciate it.'
I guess it doesn't really matter. You go where the money is.

I'm not sure Close, or even Redford, at this point is all that much of a 'get', particularly since Close's most successful role in years was on a tv show. Not that they are bad actors, of course, but they are at the point where stuff like this is easy money.

That's fine.

Bruce Willis having a top ten radio hit

WWE Films was supposedly doing one but, yeah, that was years ago, and considering it's WWE Films, it's probably just as well it never got made.
"The One and Only" from the mid 70s was kinda loosely about GG, and had it's charms, from what I recall. I saw it in the theaters as a child, because if was about pro wrestling

Could be true, but the brand name is pretty strong. But it's clear they have completely run out of ideas. If they ever really had any to begin with.

Yeah, it's kind of 'how can we miss you if you don't go away' right now. I mean, they make money, anyway, but they really don't matter at all. But, I guess maybe they rarely ever have. It's probably just a case of really good 'branding' after all these years.

I actually think they need to give Bond a rest for a few years, and figure out where they want to go with it, because this Bourne-Era Bond started out pretty good, and collapsed in a heap by the fourth movie. I don't think there's anybody working right now who the whole world is saying 'Yes, this person must be the

I guess that's probably true. I remember watching a few of these as a kid, although why I can't really imagine, as the entertainment portions was the worst kind of Vegas shtick that was worn out by 1963. I think there was a certain thrill in watching Jerry stay up, and see if he'd have some sort of a mental breakdown.

It's obviously not on anymore, but the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon was always noteworthy. Can you imagine that now?