Bruiser Brody

Imagine a world where people were actually looking up the kid who played Bobby. 'What else has this wooden child done in his career? I must view his entire filmography!'

Yep, I remember when it was a real big deal. I actually knew who A.J. Foyt was when I was a kid! Now, like you, I had no idea it had happened.

Hat blocking

I used to own a pair of his sneakers.
Not literally his, but…you get the idea.

With the enormous NBA game (which I expect the Warriors to win by about 20; Thunder really blew it, and now they will pay), the Stanley Cup and the holiday, this will probably be the lowest rated Raw in the history of the show. Aside from Cena's return, I'd expect the show will be pretty, pretty poor (because WWE also

If you need a roadie, send me a PM

The sense of persecution and 'being wronged' as you say, is rife. Not to say that a lot of poor kids don't get bullied, or at least feel that way ( I felt very put upon, particularly in high school, because I was given a fair amount of shit over being a fat loner kid—there were a few girls who were particularly cruel,

Yeah, there's a lot of people who are just really unpleasant, no matter what their interests. I'd like to believe I wasn't, but in high school I was so miserable, it's impossible for me to even know. I do look back at myself even at 30, and cringe at how obnoxious I was, and how I thought that was a winning strategy.I

Those people were never that sweet. I knew plenty of them way back when. I may have even been one, although I never aced tests.

True statement

To be fair, he was coked out of his mind

I know he's not talking about the Reeve ones; I pointed out that the Singer one was created as a 'spiritual sequel' to it, or whatever bullshit they said.
I appreciate that DC decided they needed to go a different take on their movies from the Marvel ones; I also acknowledge that it's not working. But they seem

I respect them for trying to make a clear alternative to the Marvel stuff. I also acknowledge that it is going to fail. As I say, I'm not a stockholder, so I don't really care at all if they succeed.

I do not come to praise Snyder…

Except for Nolan's, though, were they really that much? The Burton ones pretended to be, but they were really just cartoons. Singer's 'Superman' was slavishly beholden to the beloved Reeve ones (so not too dark at all, from what I remember). Green Lantern wasn't. I don't think anyone remembers Jonah Hex.
I get that

He's not wrong, but I will say that, while the movie isn't all that great, it's much more interesting in certain ways that most of the Marvel stuff. DC/Snyder have decided on the direction they want to take this 'universe', and it is directly opposite to the candy colored stuff that Disney is making; that doesn't, in

Actually, him doing the next one wouldn't surprise me a bit ( depends where he is on the queen's list, I suppose…)

Wheatley's "Field in England" is quite interesting, but one you have to stick with, because there's very little narrative going on. I liked it, but had to convince myself to stick with it on a few occasions. 'Kill List' is excellent, and quite disturbing.

When I was a little kid (early 70s), my folks bought my brother and I a tape player, and one of the tapes mom bought (seemingly at random) was "The 5th Dimension's Greatest Hits', which I played endlessly because, really what choice did I have. But, looking back, it's remarkable how well those songs have stuck with

Hire the guy who did the Raid movies
or Ben Wheatley, maybe.
It'll probably be Guy Richie or something, though