Ace the Bat-Hound

Oh Nathan…
I'D call you the Bear Jew.

The Dan Savage-approved terminology is when talking about male cleavage, you should call it cleavage but call the pectorals "moobs" (Man+Boobs).

A friend recommended The Years of Rice and Salt
to me a couple years ago, and I avoided it because I had only been exposed to AH in the form of Turtledove. When I finally got around to reading it, I found it to be a fantastic read.

Saw this at a midnight movie, and while I liked the aesthetic, the plot, writing, and characterization were all horribly underdone. I almost walked out several times, but I'm glad I stayed for the ending because there is nothing better than a shared WTF to take the edge off a wasted evening/7 dollars.

I disagree about the music being annoying.


I don't get the Barton Fink love — then again, I've only seen it once. However, unlike The Big Lebowski (which I have also only seen once), I have absolutely no desire to see it again.

my favorite part of the episode
"Brazzaville, New Jersey"

A check so fat, it has its own moon.

Ah, but the Southland Tales reference is posted below a Nathan Rabin-penned review. 150 MYOF points (currently trading at .78 MYOF to 1 AV Club point) to Rooney.

Thing is, if that song was on a White Stripes album, no one would blink an eye.

I started watching this show because Battlestar ended.
And now I'm hooked. It's filling the pretentious, overly-plotted, alternate-universe-set TV show-shaped gap in my life.