
playlist full of Jakob Dylan's dad

"I'm too young to get that reference"

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A bit lively and more diverse than Several Shade of Why (it has some drums and distorition). I like it a lot.

I bought the new J Mascis and New Pornographers albums this week so this can't possibly be true.

One line in Modest Mouse's "Fire It Up" always makes me cringe "It honestly was beautifully boldLike trying to save an ice cube from the cold"
It just sounds so corny and makes me feel embarrassed.

2/3 were of Irish Heritage the other was just stoned.

I've met a couple people who love it unironically. It's like a litmus test for intelligence.

the front and back have the same amount of sides as a coin or card and one more side than a poster.

Rambo I: First Blood
Alien II: Aliens

Elysium meets Source Code?

Danerys goes mad and becomes the villain. The Starks save everyone.

Yeah my wife and I decided that we don't care whether the couple stays together or not.

The writers probably didn't know that but I can give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the character didn't know it.

They're touring with Sebadoh. They should get Wayne Coyne involved somehow and make it the midlife crisis tour.

because the last person was comfortable answering honestly since Nora seemed at peace instead of burdened with survivors guilt after she hugged it out with Wayne.

I believe the interviews are being video recorded so her bosses would know if she was skipping the question.

The Question 121 thing is hardly boggling. The responders saw that Nora was a mess, having lost 3 family members herself, so they said yes to comfort her about her own loss.

I have. Get it from your local library. It takes maybe half an hour to read.

about half an hour in I lost track of the plot so bad that the rest of the film was like torture.