
This review sounds like a cry for help "Please take me off the assignment of reviewing this show".

Jennie One was a chapter in or a sequel to Channel Zero. Anway it's collected in this edition http://f.cl.ly/items/3i2z0s… the art is inspired by street art and propaganda images.

I guess I must only use 10% of my brain but I thought this episode was easily the best of the season so far.

Is Steve Moore his brother or something?

I saw the Lucy trailer in the theatre before The Winter Soldier. When the only "10% of your brain" line happened some George Costanza like person shouted "Oh come on!" and everyone burst out laughing.

I saw the Lucy trailer in the theatre before The Winter Soldier. When the only "10% of your brain" line happened some George Costanza like person shouted "Oh come on!" and everyone burst out laughing.

I saw the Lucy trailer in the theatre before The Winter Soldier. When the only "10% of your brain" line happened some George Costanza like person shouted "Oh come on!" and everyone burst out laughing.

I saw the Lucy trailer in the theatre before The Winter Soldier. When the only "10% of your brain" line happened some George Costanza like person shouted "Oh come on!" and everyone burst out laughing.

I think ultimately this is about the difference between creative types and fans (consumers). Fans think that writing is basically typing and don't understand the creative process. They don't know that most writing gets done when you're in the shower, taking a dump, waiting for the bus, even while writing another book.

I'm guessing she can only make one every 9 months.

I'm a huge fan of Joel and Silkworm (and you should be too) so I'll pick this up. Less melodic than his other stuff but I'll find a place for it.

and Polish gangs? They could have at least made them Norwegian gangs.

I find their IPAs to be way too strong. They're like beers for people who like hard liquor.

Tukwila Mutual Bank is the most plausible Seattle detail the show has done by a long shot.

They should probably wait until Season 6 for LSH when TWOW is hopefully out and there's some more material to draw from.

I think I read these after LOTR. It's crazy to think that LOTR was only about 30 years old at the time and had become such a template. It feels as old as the bible. Anyway I read The Death Gate Cycle, Chronicles, Then the first 2 books of legends and lost interest.

I remember being bored by the books because half of the chapters were about new characters in the new world and it took forever for Haplo and the Sartan dude to show up. In the end I loved that series though. I also loved the SPOILER revelation that it was actually a far future science fiction story rather than a

I'm going to hold my judgment until the next episode. I've read people criticize him for using rape for laughs. I don't think anyone was laughing.

I don't know what categorically means but I did get that vibe and I was afraid that it was going there. I'm surprised that more people haven't said this. I even searched twitter for Louie Rape and got no results.

I 100% disagree that Todd Barry was "being a dick just because he can" if he lets them spell his name wrong on his dressing room then what's to stop the next guy from spelling it wrong on the marquee?