
Ugh, The Fault in Our Stars was hands down one of the worst books I've ever read. I don't know how everyone sits so firmly on the side of it being meaningful and moving while I'm wallowing on the side that finds it incredibly sappy, overwrought and pretentious as all hell, with some of the worst characters ever (when

Ugh, The Fault in Our Stars was hands down one of the worst books I've ever read. I don't know how everyone sits so firmly on the side of it being meaningful and moving while I'm wallowing on the side that finds it incredibly sappy, overwrought and pretentious as all hell, with some of the worst characters ever (when

I can't believe people are still singing Looper's praises. That's one of the shoddiest films I've ever seen, so much happened that didn't need to and so much should have happened that didn't. Interesting for sure but God what a mess.

I can't believe people are still singing Looper's praises. That's one of the shoddiest films I've ever seen, so much happened that didn't need to and so much should have happened that didn't. Interesting for sure but God what a mess.

You realize you wrote 'Jane' Watson in the very first sentence?

You realize you wrote 'Jane' Watson in the very first sentence?

I'm not going to do that "other shows are more racist and sexist so this gets a pass", because that's not what I said at all. I mentioned the BBC version because your arguments are pretty much cut and paste from what I've seen from them from before Elementary even came out, I assumed you had seen them. Just because

I'm not going to do that "other shows are more racist and sexist so this gets a pass", because that's not what I said at all. I mentioned the BBC version because your arguments are pretty much cut and paste from what I've seen from them from before Elementary even came out, I assumed you had seen them. Just because

I find a lot of these arguments to be the same things that were tossed around before the show even started, and they were faintly ridiculous then. What's the big deal with Watson being in the military, is it THAT essential to the character that it comes up time and time again? Nevermind someone made a good point about

I find a lot of these arguments to be the same things that were tossed around before the show even started, and they were faintly ridiculous then. What's the big deal with Watson being in the military, is it THAT essential to the character that it comes up time and time again? Nevermind someone made a good point about

(I don't know if I'm the only one who can't reply to certain comments on here so I probably look like a totally noob replying to myself but…)
Introducing…: I can think of several examples off the top of my head. When Sherlock leaves John outside the girl's flat and John yells at him through the mail slot in The Blind

(I don't know if I'm the only one who can't reply to certain comments on here so I probably look like a totally noob replying to myself but…)
Introducing…: I can think of several examples off the top of my head. When Sherlock leaves John outside the girl's flat and John yells at him through the mail slot in The Blind

Well 1. if she really was as horribly treated as all that, Jun was probably afraid of his wrath should Annunzio find out she was having an affair/getting married to someone else. The guy was capable of conducting a murder plot and hiring an assassin, he was obviously capable of plenty, I'm sure it would come down to

Well 1. if she really was as horribly treated as all that, Jun was probably afraid of his wrath should Annunzio find out she was having an affair/getting married to someone else. The guy was capable of conducting a murder plot and hiring an assassin, he was obviously capable of plenty, I'm sure it would come down to

Ditto - actually it's strange people prefer the BBC and Guy Ritchie versions when you consider both of those versions include the characters screaming and fighting much much more than other versions. Sometimes I legitimately wonder why those Watsons even put up with their Sherlocks. Elementary's version bicker,

Ditto - actually it's strange people prefer the BBC and Guy Ritchie versions when you consider both of those versions include the characters screaming and fighting much much more than other versions. Sometimes I legitimately wonder why those Watsons even put up with their Sherlocks. Elementary's version bicker,

Well, but then they aren't supposed to be a buddy/bro relationship, not in this version. There's still a very thick veil of obligation in their being together - Joan is still being paid for her time and is meant to keep an eye on him, while Sherlock is basically being babysat 24/7 - nevermind how little they want to

Well, but then they aren't supposed to be a buddy/bro relationship, not in this version. There's still a very thick veil of obligation in their being together - Joan is still being paid for her time and is meant to keep an eye on him, while Sherlock is basically being babysat 24/7 - nevermind how little they want to

This looks like one of those pictures from the Victorian era where they'd prop up one of their dead people and make the living ones pose around it all awkwardly trying not to catch the death cooties. The dead person? Obviously Josh Peck.

This looks like one of those pictures from the Victorian era where they'd prop up one of their dead people and make the living ones pose around it all awkwardly trying not to catch the death cooties. The dead person? Obviously Josh Peck.