
The producers/creators have said they have no intention on making Holmes and Watson a couple, and they like that they have other stuff to focus on than the purely cliched romance angle. I'm insanely happy about this, really, I can't stand that a man and a woman, in a room together on a tv show are pretty

The producers/creators have said they have no intention on making Holmes and Watson a couple, and they like that they have other stuff to focus on than the purely cliched romance angle. I'm insanely happy about this, really, I can't stand that a man and a woman, in a room together on a tv show are pretty

They are…CBS fans? I'm sorry how did you want me to answer this?

They are…CBS fans? I'm sorry how did you want me to answer this?

Cause it's awesome and bonus it pisses off whiny little BBC fans like yourself.

Cause it's awesome and bonus it pisses off whiny little BBC fans like yourself.

I hate that people forget that LeBeouf used to be one of the most promising young actors in Hollywood. Guy can still really act, just because he's done some Transformers movies shouldn't count him out completely. Also, so what if he did Transformers? Those are giddy stupid fun movies for the sake of giddy stupid fun,

Tim Curry’s wonderfully silly performance in Muppet Treasure Island as the best Long John Silver on screen…" Do you even listen to yourself? I didn't even think people could have opinions on this outside of Robert Newton. How…how can anyone put someone above him? He ruined the damn role for anyone coming after.

I think lately I feel the need to compare Abed to Sheldon from Big Bang Theory (yes, I watch both, no it's not as good as Community, but yes I still find some good in it). Because they're very similar in a lot of ways, especially the way they've been presenting Abed lately as being more selfish and focused on only

I personally found it funny to find out she'd just been using the patio the whole time, and that definitely said the exact same thing about her character that they were trying to say about Barney.

Because hot women got to fart too? And I mean if we have to watch Barney do it, and it's supposed to be funny then…

Hahaha, awww, I have a feeling you don't watch much BESIDES Star Wars.
(And some of us aren't interested in the Blue Ray, and - like Ted - hang onto their VHS versions which aren't quite as full of ridiculous CGI as the newer versions.)

I don't understand the hatred for Quinn. I like her better than Nora, who I saw Barney potentially ending up with but I see her now as a necessary stepping stone to someone who actually makes sense, like Quinn. I mean, god she's better with him than Robin. I'm sorry I will never understand why those two were together

The abuse hurled at Max and Caroline by those boys was horrific. Yeah yeah "how cute, they're kids! They're saying awful things that if they came from an adult would get the cops sent to their house and their 'respectable human beings' cards taken away", but for them to not even get some wacky sitcom comeuppance? I do

I think what's happening with Margaret is exactly what Manny said to Angela "This is his fault." Jimmy is punished through Angela. Margaret thinks she's being punished through Emily. This show's good at linking things like that. And I see how this Margaret is the Margaret from season 1, so I think so far it makes

I mean the Elliot of all the time who is both annoying and neurotic and made out to *be* a strong and smart female character but that only makes her less important by completely undermining any growth she may have. I think she's a complete write-off. She has zero self esteem and when she gets it it's mainly based on

Well, true, but I was talking about Elliot Reid.

I don't know how it's possible to be disrespectful to Sarah Chalke, I think the fact that she portrays one of the worst female characters in history means she deserves at least little ribbing.

"Leonard’s paisley button-up and vest combo could be him dressing in a “Guy Trying to Not Get Laid” costume." Uhm, I'm going to have to disagree with you there, disagree strongly.

The MacBeth allusions at the end could not have been an accident, Margaret might as well been quoting the play during that scene. Personally I think it was a wonderful, insane speech and I'm looking forward to how Nucky's going to come out at the end of this season considering it looks as though the only people still