rip van winkle

I preferred the Baskerville episode to last year's second episode, whatever it was.  Wasn't very memorable.

I remember him, but barely.  He died in season 1 right?

He went to the future to send the machine back in time in the last season finale, and after he did that the show switched to a different timeline, where the observer didn't rescue him from drowning in the lake.  Now, for reasons we don't know, he appeared in the new timeline and there are random timeskips which

I thought this episode was a tad weak until I came into this review and found myself laughing out loud while reading the stray observations.  I really missed this show…

A real sit show.

Almost.  However, I feel like even with the incredible amount of diversity present, each album has an attitude/sense of purpose unique to it.  You can tell that Tastes Good on th' Bun comes from the 8 track GWS/POD/PG era, and something like The Rift is definitely a quebec track.  It doesn't play through like some of


1. The Mollusk
2. God Ween Satan
3. Chocolate and Cheese
4. The Pod
5. White Pepper
6. quebec
7. Pure Guava
8. 12 Golden Country Greats
9. La Cucaracha

They put on such a kickass show.  I really wanted to see them that night but I was in class taking an exam….
oh and fun fact my name was inspired by Sketches of Winkle

best fucking record

What kind of sick bastard are you, giving me a notification about Cougar Town in a Wednesday night's 'What's On Tonight'?  :(

Yeah, Polk was a fine President.  Weird one though.  Only ran for one term where he accomplished everything he wanted to, and then died 3 months later.

Why James K. Polk?  Got somethin against the southwest?

new years resolution:
dont' drink so much next new years eve

I wouldn't watch the show if it was all like it was in season 2.  There's some really annoying and terrible stuff (and not just that one plotline which is the main complaint).  However, Coach is and always will be the greatest man who ever lived so there's at least that.

season 2 is almost terrible.  watch it though.  seasons 3-5 make up for it and more.

oh dear…

And the show does in fact take place in America, man.

Yeah I love Wind Waker, and it was my favorite Zelda until this one.

Compared to the 2d games, Ocarina is an incredibly lifeless game.  It got it's "one of the best" status by revolutionizing 3D gaming and also having some really good dungeons.  Outside of that, the story and characters aren't very interesting or engrossing.  I think in order to call something powerful (any kind of