This looked abominably horrible from the first trailer. I'll never understand how these stooges without any taste whatsoever get to make shows.
This looked abominably horrible from the first trailer. I'll never understand how these stooges without any taste whatsoever get to make shows.
Did you guys see the preview for the last three episodes? The Joffrey smackdown by Tywin is going to be extremely satisfying to watch.
In situations like that I just can't help but think "How do you fuck that up?"
"Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he lived he would have grown up to be a Frey."
Am I alone in thinking this doesn't really look that good? I didn't laugh once in the trailer.
Claudia is such an amazing character. Margo needs to stay in somehow next year. The show wouldn't be the same without her.
That was an absolutely riveting finale. Knocked it out of the park in every department. I love how Elizabeth ended up totally misjudging Claudia - the scene where she killed that guy was both awesome and utterly bone chilling at the same time. Also, the car chase was one of the best I've seen in either movies or TV in…
This isn't specifically directed towards you, but I'm getting irritated at people talking shit on Robb. He was unwise to kill Karstark, of course, but a lot of you are implying he somehow brought the RW on himself because of it (and breaking the marriage vow). He didn't, at all. The RW was perpetrated by traitors and…
That shit was ridiculously unrealistic.
Noel, your observations on the Don/Megan dynamic are well thought out as always, but in this case I think Don is just being a total asshole. I think it was an A- episode, I loved it, but came away from it hating Don and kind of hating Peggy. Joan was awesome and that waiter guy shouldn't have pansied out on scoring an…
The point of Theon's storyline is mostly just to build Ramsay up as a character, since he becomes very important later on. The show-only people will realize pretty soon how unbelievably tame Joffrey is compared to this guy.
I thought this was a great episode. One of the biggest things I took away from it was why Don is successful at cheating, and why Pete fails hilariously at it.
*****Dance with Dragons SPOILERS*******
I actually didn't mind the Stannis scene. This is his lowest point in the series and he was always pretty stoic in the books, so they're getting his desperation across pretty quickly and efficiently. By the end of this season and definitely s4 he'll be back in full-badass mode again. He's always been one of my all…
Go away.
Hahahaha, yeah exactly. The show can never take the most plausible simplest route, aside from rare episodes like "Clear" where people are actually behaving like real people.
Yeah, that guy was asking to get shot. He was putting it down all awkwardly and pointing it more towards Carl instead of just dropping the damn thing.
B+? That was a terrible episode. A C at best, really. One of the worst finale's in recent memory.
Yeah so I love this show. Amazing production values, great fight scenes, Lagertha is ridiculously hot, and Ragnar is the most badass Viking since One-Eye.