Bad Sequel

Guys, it's time to up the ante.

"yoghurt monster" is the funniest thing I have read all day. I have nothing else to add.

Alec Baldwin simply understands that scenes of himself fighting photographers make for the best pictures.

I actually loved the Super Mario Bros. film. They took some pretty bizarre subject matter and managed to explain every little detail by giving it all a dystopian Blade Runner-on-a-budget spin. I appreciate some elements were terrible, but this was a film aimed at young kids, right? Not meant to be taken seriously? 

What's Eating James Franco? What's James Franco Eating? 

Does Morrissey ever look at the ground? Every photo I see of him, he's holding his head in that same awkward position. Imagine the pennies he's missing out on. Hey! Funding idea!

"…pretties! Fly my…" — Bruce Willis, the time-travelling Wicked Witch

When's the Awards Awards? Where they give out awards to the best awards?

They all really like cocaine.

Live And Let Diabetic