B Topiary

No mention of Butterfly Effect?

Quick! Someone search Shkreli's apartment for a rainbow toupee!


Stupid auto-antonyms!

Truly, you *ack* the king of kings!

Yeah SimCity 4 made it easier because you could separate cities based on residential, commercial and industrial zoning. I made a large commercial city surrounded by smaller residential cities and it made TONS of money, Still took awhile though.

I think the best we can hope for is an internal coup d'état, either of Kim Jong-un or his successor. Either that, or they somehow provoke China into cutting off all aid and/or invading.

This sounds a lot like the VICE News episode when they went to North Korea with Dennis Rodman. The DPRK seems to have no idea of just how absurd their staged "presentations" of their citizens are to the rest of the world. Obviously there's a lot of self-delusion going on, but you'd think they'd have a slight awareness

I really enjoyed the first 15-20 minutes of Cloverfield and would have rather seen that party play out instead of seeing all the characters die horrible deaths.

Yes, it was all a nightmare in Sam Raimi's head.

My Own Worst Enemy was obviously his career's saving grace

Finch: I see it all clearly now. The bits of code that I created became something so much more. The Machine was more than a system - it was a protector, a friend. And most importantly, it was a person


Do you have anything by Robert Ludlum?

You mean when "The Hater" still existed?

Yeah I immediately googled the "Funtenna Hack" of the printer because it sounded a little farfetched, but… it's literally ripped from the headlines: http://arstechnica.com/secu…

Ex Machina is basically a moody dramatization of the AI containment problem. PoI shows what an AI could do on much larger, societal scale. And as TV series, it has much room to explore the implications of that than movies like Her or Transcendence.

Judging by the staffs' and commenters' responses, a better title for this AVQ&A would be: "What pop culture duds led you to great songs?"

He also contains potassium benzoate

That's bad.

And a gaffe!