Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

By which I mean Colonial Williamsburg. Fewer skinny jeans, lots more pantaloons. For now.

Firstly, I live in Williamsburg.

Matt Frewer's everything is good. Freakin' Max Headroom needs to be in more stuff.

i see you haven't seen it

Of course, Wallace appeared in the FIRST season of The Wire. Heh. 8) *peels out on rascal scooter*

There's Wallace. There he is. *Points at Wallace*

Age discrimination is wrong, no ifs ands or buts about it.

Let me be the first to say that I've never seen Lemony Snicket.


I think New Girl is legitimately funny.

Also, since it's topical to this thread, is there the equivalent of a tv listing site that tells me which shows are available on which dumb streaming service (Hulu, network sites, etc)?

I would read and love that.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where The New Girl is going after its first week.

Wait what. Why is a 1.7 demo good for Community (and 2 supposedly even better) but a 1.8 is bad for Prime Suspect?

One might even say that vaginas are the first set of genitalia that babies get OH HO HO HO HO HO

Babies all start with vaginas, and it only becomes a penis due to a burst of hormones at just the right time.

Roku is like $50,or an Xbox is like $200, and a high speed internet connection is hardly an "investment." Sure there are people that can't afford it, but streaming has gotten consistently easier and cheaper.

Roku is like $50,or an Xbox is like $200, and a high speed internet connection is hardly an "investment." Sure there are people that can't afford it, but streaming has gotten consistently easier and cheaper.

well that's simply rude!

MLK went to Morehouse College in Atlanta. As for the marching band part, you must know something google doesn't.