Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

At first I thought this would be about the chick from Antichrist

who "rated" it over whatever? you mean like espn placed it too highly in their preseason rankings?

dude was in green mile. imminently punchable.

When was Dexter ever tightly written? Don't get me wrong, I've loved certain seasons, but "tightly written" is one of the last things I'd ever say about what is just a few steps removed from CSI: Miami.

ahahaha I really hope this sentence was serious and totally non-ironic:

Primer has "a lot of good engineering/physics"? Don't get me wrong, I loved the shit out of that film, but did we see the same movie?

Bad post. Needs more funny.

You are absolutely not the only one.

Who apologized? Not me, that's who.

Whoah dude. You're one of those "Michael Bay raped my childhood" dudes. That's a bad way to be. You should chill.

Whoah, there's a whole lotta care in this thread. You people should relax and recognize ironic firstie accusations when you see them. Sheesh. It's Friday, after all.

Solid first. Congratulations.

I like Richard Kelly
But using the time-honored "judge a book by its cover" method (in this case judging the movie by the poster) this looks real bad.

Easy to claim after the fact, huh?

a pretty bad post here.

Audiogalaxy kicked so much ass. I mean… so I've heard.

You suck real bad. :-(

Certainly not.

Disheartening? Really? To hear that Bill Murray is maybe not a nice dude?

That sounds delicious.