Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

What the fuck is wrong with Aaron Eckhart?
Doesn't he know that starring in a movie with Jennifer Aniston means you're THROUGH? Sheesh.

HEY why u post this???

Holy shit I forgot all about the gay drug dealer son.

heh you're mad stupid br0

I live way out in Annapolis so all I really get out of the Decider is hearing about things the day after they happen. Guess I suck.

Alright so…
…do we like Decider? I followed the DC one for awhile but it seems like it sort of isn't good. Thoughts?


heh almost made it 8)


So the reality is that the writers had to get rid of that girl because she wasn't quirky enough for the show. Then when they ran low on creativity juice later on they figured now they could bring her back?


Obviously I don't care, as I read this interview. Booya!

The Thread to Talk About Weeds, a Dramatic Series on Showtime
Hey let's talk about Weeds.

I believe I'm the only universally loved commenter. Unfortunately for you all I've been on a sabbatical.

*puts on shades*

Baffled? No. Things like that aren't baffling. Maybe you have a brain disease?

Hell yes. If there's one thing I love it's telling people that Metroid is and was awful.

Metroid sucks shit. There, I said it.

Super Mario Brothers has a great storyline?

Yes but to an 11 year old these things were all WILD and NEW. Now I will forever confuse being creeped out with sexual attraction. Thanks, Super Mario Brothers The Motion Picture!