Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

I saw this movie when I was like 11 (not a firsty attempt). I remember being creeped out by the de-evolution process and turned on by Samantha Mathis. Dennis Hopper kind of kicks ass though.

So wait. Is Breaking Bad actually good? I watched like the first five episodes or so of season one as they came on and it didn't do anything for me. It doesn't help that it looks like AMC shot the thing on VHS.

Can somebody explain what the fuck happened in the Night Watch movies? I've never been more bewildered in my life. Plus the second one felt like four hours long…

Haha. Top Gun. Tom Cruise. I get.

*fights El Zilcho*

Yo trust me I'm not knocking it. I don't hate Bon Jovi and it's stupid to assail people for what they choose to spend their time/money on. I'm just blown away. Not in a bad way, just in… a way.

I mean HOLY FUCKING SHIT it's entirely plausible that you've spent over $30,000 or more seeing Bon Jovi.

Holy SHIT you've seen Bon Jovi 274 times? I say God Damn that's a lot of times to here Livin on a Prayer.

Psh, like I would go see bands that actually sell tickets to their shows??

It'll be just like the first time they saw Paul McCartney, except with the added bonus of shit tons of electro.


yo texecution i really want to vote for that ticket let's start a party


Most of the posters here are 14?

Yes, and Harry Reid lays down the drums on this track.

14 year olds? Hardly.

His number 1 favorite track is:
"Giving the executive unprecedented spying powers by planning to vote YES on the FISA bill" by "Every motherfucker in the Senate, Democrat or Republican (not featuring, Chris Dodd)"

…to breathe oxygen?

For those of us too apathetic to check it out, what does it say?

Fuck yes, triumphant firstie!