Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

oh really? thanks

This is waaaay down the page, but…
Breck Eisner?

Well Amelie didn't answer so, sorry I guess?

Welp, one more myspace page I'll never go to.


Uh also PS John Mayer live is just a shitty as John Mayer recorded, it's only when he's not playing his songs that his music is tolerable.

Yeah the Trio album is pretty good but it's difficult to even say that because it's John Mayer. He should do blues rock under a pseudonym to make it easier on me.

o fuck yeah post this some more i'm almost there

Sweet, thanks for the tip. It's now in line just behind season 3 of The Wire.

There's a TV Neverwhere?

I liked Mirrormask.

Keep your chin up Pilgrim. You'll get there.

That I can understand.

I don't doubt his aim or his intentions, but the reality is the attention around his films is focused on him and the controversy rather than the issues.


Since I've been reading Salon.com all morning I'm going to take this opportunity to be a real dick about the difference between monkeys and apes.

Serious post:

I don't think I've ever posted in the Japanese taste test articles. They've been pretty funny though?

In fact I'd prefer it if someone would deliver my albums (vinyl of course, no CDs) on a fixie. Can this be arranged?

If I order CDs from the internet should I buy carbon offsets? And can you recommend an organic vegan indie shipping company? I'm totally opposed to Big Shipping and the entire Shipping Industrial Complex and I won't support them with my money.