Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste

zero to tutti frutti

Friendly neighborhood record store?
What's that? Like most of the country, I don't live in Portland or wherever you fixie-riding kids can get your music that isn't the latest Soulja Boy remix…

Usually when you need to preface your comment with "someone has to do this," then actually, no one needs to do that.


Speaking of…

Sigourney Weaver in Alien is pretty good but not as good as me.

Ghost-dude you're right. I mean the Simpsons has pretty much reached the monkeys-with-typewriters level at this point. In fact, I'm sure that this comment I am typing out right now has been uttered by one of the characters on that show.

"Ooo, doughnuts!"

Actually jenny based on how most of mainstream media behaves, I'd say contempt for your readers probably is a good way to keep a writing gig.

Benecio del Toro in what, though?

And I am digging this album too. Will be purchasing.

Was hoping this was Benecio del Toro :~-(

Fuck you guys, Tom Petty rules.
You heard it here first.

Would anyone care to classify any of Ken Burns' work as biased/unbiased? I frankly remember The Civil War as being fairly unbiased but maybe because there's no way I can see myself watching all 985 hours of it.

Well, enjoy seeing this steaming pile of shit as "research" then. I'm gonna be at home, throwing a party with Prince and Noam Chomsky.

Is it genuinely possible to make an objective documentary?

Sure, there's an argument to be made for knowing what the other side is spewing. All I'm saying is if you've ever said to your liberal friends "Holy crap did you see O'Reilly/Ann Coulter/this shitty movie last night?" then you are part of the problem.

Unfortunately I'm sure that plenty of liberals will give it the Bill O'Reilly treatment, ie "I watch Bill O'Reilly all the time cause that guy pisses me off so bad! Why is he even on tv??? *sits down to watch Bill O'Reilly*"

I never noticed that Natalie Portman is like three feet tall.

admins please move this comment to first thanks in advance