Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbuste


Hot Slutz Golf
Out of Mounds

this sucks you suck get out

Color me pleasantly pleased!

The comment so great, you said it times eight!

Sweet I totally started like an all-gimmick thread.

Better or worse…
…than Frank Caliendo?

It doesn't matter what her sexual preference is.

Had to post in here. Couldn't resist.

Wait a second…
Isn't Ellen Page a lesbian? I thought she was a lesbian.

Ugh. Subtle firsties are the new old firsties.

Wedgies are the new firsties.

You dumb motherfuckers are falling into the usual Hall of Fame/Top Ten List trap: Just do anything and people will endlessly hype your brand by arguing about it on the internet.

So what you're saying is, even your non-guilty pleasure music interests blow.

It's weird though, because almost every band I can think of is better live. Shit, I even saw Metallica (which I hate) but it was fun live.

Why do I like Spoon but couldn't be more bored by their live act?

God Damn
I read all these comments and it's all terrible seizure jokes.

Hell no
I'm takin this spot just 'cause.