Shao Ping

Have you read The Thief of Always? That, to me, is the best of his books. It's written for children so cuts backs on the excesses that ruin his adult fiction for me.

For me, what got to me when I went back to them was honestly his handling of the sexes. He continually talks about how men don't understand women and vice versa. Also, a lot of braid-pulling.

Isn't abortion a pretty big theme in the last section of Leibowitz? That among other reasons is why I would be skeptical that it isn't a Catholic book.

Another character-driven bit is (as you pointed out) he may be headed back south to avenge the Starks. He may feel that not doing so before was a failure, and now that he is alive again he can correct that mistake.

Your first comment was "do you know literally anything about anything"


She's not wrong, but I hope she has more to do next season. I have a bit of a hard time seeing her and Rob Rifkin as good parents due to their other roles, but ultimately they're really quite good and I like both actors and characters. In particular (and maybe contradicting my agreement with Brown) I loved Rifkin's

Well, Sands wasn't killed so I imagine there's more to his storyline. I suspect Morra will be the Big Bad overall, just as Sands claimed. Right now you have both Sands and Brian who used to work for Morra but are now free of him.

Olana is the perfect location for an Alice in Wonderland porn parody.

Bloody heck. I guess if you made this argument you don't realize how dumb and uninformed it is but Jesus Christ is it dumb and uninformed.

Eh, it's not like Bernie exudes cool or anything. It's really hard for me not to see these memes as sexist, especially when much of her so-called lack of authenticity either doesn't exist (e.g. hot-sauce) or exists because of sexism (e.g. has to have a cookie recipe).

Cate Blanchett did.

Just started L.P. Hartley's The Go-Between.

I love how you review NYRB books even when the book itself is old. This book sounds wonderful, and not unlike something Benjamin might have attempted.

I still refuse to watch Girls because he only appeared in the pilot.

Have you seen Damsels in Distress? While I'm not sure it's a perfect as the others, I feel it stresses being kind and the importance of seemingly frivolous things like dancing that really make life worthwhile. Both of those claims are part of why I enjoy his films so much, though I'm not sure he ever stressed that as

And sometimes people write dumb fiction. As they do here.

Agreed. The only thing that tipped me off he was an actor is shortly after I saw Metropolitan I watched Kicking and Screaming. I was so excited about discovering Eigeman and couldn't wait to track down more films he acted in.