Shao Ping

He's not for everyone, but for some people he's wonderful. His characters (so far) are young, often rich, Americans he gently makes fun of but is also fond of. The dialogue is clever if you like it, precious if you don't. I love everything he has done and he's one of my favorite directors.

Yeah, it's not just how they make the cameos super-obvious (and unrelated to the plot other than say, "hey, it's this guy!") but how dumb they are. H.G. Wells wasn't in the west. Bill Gates' father is a lawyer, not a scientist.

The actor who played Walter is now on Limitless (which is promising and surprisingly fun). He's good, if rather scary.

Who knows? They're too busy screwing your mom.

Aren't they all hacks at Sony?

For one thing, they weren't that popular. Technically, they're a one-hit wonder ("Touch of Grey," 1987). What they had was a devoted fan-based, a wide variety of styles, and great concerts.

She cut her teeth on a webcomic called Demonology 101. It's Buffy-esque and perhaps even embarrassing for her since you can see her learning as she goes along (though I think she also went back and re-did a bunch).

People mock it, but it's easily one of my favorite scenes and is perhaps the most alien-feeling part of the movie.

When it comes to spelling his name, what is to be done?

I've only been to Minneapolis once but I feel in love with it. It just felt like a wonderful city to live in. That there's a regular feminist sci-fi club? <3

Was just going to mention that. Vera Pavlovna's Fourth Dream with its Crystal Palaces obviously was part of what Dostoevsky in Notes from Underground was reacting to.

I also like how it shows it wasn't just an accident that they got caught in the crossfire. The shoot out probably wouldn't have happened as it did if Schoonover had showed up. Tempers flared when he was a no-show.

Pavement had Brighten the Corners in '97 and Terror Twilight in '99.

You should add “I Don’t Care Anymore." As Collins himself rightfully notes, that's just a great song.

I love the detail about friends sending him Youtube clips when they surface.

I think it was the Blacksmith because Reyes was continuing to go after him (namely by going after Gao). With Castle on the lose, he could frame him and galvanize them to go after him since I'm sure their feelings were mixed about him before (maybe not in real life, but certainly in superhero shows).

Maybe. I assumed that Schoonover saw Frank at the park and that's why he didn't show up. He wasn't tipped off it was a set-up, he just realized Castle would figure out what was up (see all the talk about how well he could read people). From there, everything spiraled out of control.

I, for one, aim only to have wrong opinions.