Or Quentin Tarantino!
Or Quentin Tarantino!
You don't think the confrontation between the police and the returned is enough?
Did we see them inflict it? This is going to rely on a lot of assumptions but: I thought it was deterioration because I think it shows that the returned can't simply come back to life. Tony in particular seems to want to be among the living, but not only is he rejected by them I think the rot shows he just simply…
I haven't seen The Last Dinosaur but the theme song is fantastic. There's also a fun burlesque performance that uses it.
I like how groups are starting to fracture, the divide between the living and the dead is slowly disintegrating despite Pierre and Lucy's wishes. Tony doesn't want Serge to harm Audrey's dad (and maybe wants to remain chained? he's eating that bread like he's in no hurry to leave). Audrey's parents seem sympathetic to…
I've had mixed feelings about Serge and making him sympathetic, but overall it works. I don't know why, but being dead suits him.
Man, I've been binging on Jessica Jones. Not sure I can handle this today too.
I get the feeling Lovecraft was disgusted by women and sex while M.R. James was indifferent to both.
My list would be largely the same. Something like:
But don't you think Jerome would be just as obsessive if Lena was gone? And I don't think Camille is being needy: it simply isn't safe to go outside. That of course is raising tensions, but I'm not sure anyone is really to blame for that.
Any chance you can expand on that without spoilers?
I'm not watching as close as I should. Did they tell us his name? I assume that's a Dante reference, no?
"Was I the only one who let out a little shriek when the underground camera saw that figure?"
I don't know how accurate his memory is, but he dates his anti-Semitism to high school in Providence.
Yeah, he's definitely not someone I can comfortably recommend. So much of his horror really is based on racism and fear of non-Euclidean geometry. I love his work, but it's a very problematic love because I don't think his racism is incidental.
Hey! He hated Jews too!*
I love Lovecraft too, but his is a horror often based on disgust and "unnatural" pairings. It's hard to see how much of it didn't originate in racism even if you don't have to be a racist to enjoy it.
Here's a link to the story. If I had read it before, I had forgotten it.
This is my favorite episode of the second season so far. I'm not sure it is the best, but I've gotten back into it and have a better feel for the season.
Agreed. I found it hard to take Rosa and Holt's feelings seriously at the end since he's such a nonentity.