Shao Ping

I suspect it's more than that. When we first learned about Victor's murder, I thought it was just Pierre and his friend with a burglary gone wrong. I no longer do. Judging from his funeral Mr. Costa was a pillar of his community and taught nearly everyone. Obviously future episodes will see if this holds up, but I now

I think his house did resemble Victor's, but at this point I would guess that Mr. Costa was Victor's teacher and noticed something about his drawings.

I'm not sure either. I get the feeling he wants to take care of the returned himself, so he might not like Audrey's parents coming back for her.

Re: Jerome—I can't tell if he's onto something or not. For one thing, there's a whole lot of information he doesn't have, particularly about how many people have returned. But I think his question about why some have returned to their loved ones is an important one. Still, what I was most struck by was he seemed to be

I assume what he draws comes true. Didn't he kill Julie's neighbor in the first season through his drawings? If so, he may have caused his and his mom's deaths and that may explain why his family wasn't simply scared,

Comments were great during the first season, if few. Still, not as few as this.

I suspect I'll end up in the same place as you. I've been awaiting this season with a mixture of eagerness and dread because I loved the first season so much. I was especially worried they would try to explain things. Since apparently they are, I think I'm going to have to change my expectations a bit as they start to

I assume Berg is Victor/Louis' brother, but I could be mistaken.

I'm not sure how this show could get many commentators. I feel the ordinary jokes and banter (which I love!) would be out of place. After a lot of episodes, I at least have to collect my thoughts. It's often hard to know what to say.

Bunch of FOPs.

Could be less surprise they are articulate and more surprise that they care for others. She might have thought that zombies can pass as human, but just view us as food.

I liked Thomas overall too. He made a lot of questionable decisions—the cameras, turning Camille over (which was horrifying) but not Adele—but ultimately he seemed like someone who was protecting the people he loved.

I feel similar. The first season is my favorite season of any TV show, but I couldn't quite get into this. Part of that is the change of format: as Erik (I think) observed, the first season was intimate, focusing on particular relationships between the returned and those who missed them.

Pretty sure the "No British No Dogs" was a reference to how Huangpu Park in Shanghai supposedly had a sign reading "No Dogs and Chinese Allowed."

Ethics in creeping?

You've never seen Zardoz?! "The gun is good, the penis is evil!"

I'm not sure it connects at all thematically, but between Maisie Williams' highway man costume and Leandro I thought of Puss in Boots. It was what made Leandro work for me.


I probably should just Google it, but does the movie use Tang pronunciation or classical Chinese grammar (which I'm pretty sure no one ever spoke—it was just written)?

I swear that Sex and Zen 2 proves that soft-core porn can produce great films. It's also much more faithful to the spirit of Li Yu than the original, more famous and literally faithful movie is.