Shao Ping

So more like Woody Allen then?

And Shu Qi, who is simply breath-taking.

It's even worse than being flat: they have short hair.

So the "I'm not sexist I just work with and cater to sexists" defense?

"I have no idea though how Safety Not Guaranteed and (500) Days of Summer could land you Jurassic World and Spider-Man."

"Until a female version of James Cameron come s along, Hollywood will look on female directors as a risk."

I'll admit I'm not sure it is the right approach, but I feel it is important to show that dictators are buffoons. Chaplin (and Monty Python) did that with Hitler, so do memes of shirtless Putin. Nothing annoys, and declaws, them so much as being made ridiculous. They want respect, they want to be seen as important, as

Make that three of us.

Asians are often pretty racist to one another. Not sure how this is supposed to be an exception to Snidely's point.

"Palestinian Chicken" from season 8 of Curb Your Enthusiasm also got a well-deserved A+.

Other Voices, Other Rooms is definitely Southern Gothic.

John C. Wright, who got most of the nominations, is a conservative Catholic. I can't tell what his view on evolution is since his prose is unreadable. He's sort of for it but not entirely? If you want to try to understand, here's the link.

The Up series is one of the greatest documentaries ever made. It is endlessly fascinating: I've watched it three times now. Not only is it a wonderful glimpse into the British class system, watching the kids grow up, how their lives unfold, is one of the most moving experiences I've had with movies. The only downside

I'm honestly surprised this tweet hasn't featured more prominently: "Originally when men proposed they went down on one knee so if the woman said no they were in the perfect uppercut position."

And that douche went on to to be a screenwriter for "The Boy Next Door"!

Oh, I've learned far more from comic books than I ever have from Rawls.

Doom 2099 and Spiderman 2099 were the first comics I feel in love with. Looking back, I'm pretty happy about that if a bit rueful about how much they've shaped my political opinions.

Holland, that scarce deserves the name of land,
As but th’ off-scouring of the British sand;
And so much earth as was contributed
By English pilots when they heav’d the lead;
Or what by th’ ocean’s slow alluvion fell,
Of shipwrack’d cockle and the mussel-shell;
This indigested vomit of the sea
Fell to the Dutch by just